Justin Chapter 20

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I was really tired after my "date" with Selena. We just went around and took a lot of pictures. I needed to make sure that I could keep Jackie out of the news and keep my movie deal in check. My interview was later in the afternoon so I asked Jackie if I could see her today. I had to go to Scooter's house again and explain to him what had happened. He seemed pretty worked and mad at the same time. He told me he would prep me for the TMZ interview later before the show. I decided to take a shower and clean up. I turned on the radio and got in the shower. I love listening to music while I shower, it's like the only time I got to myself. Even when I'm not on tour or taking a break. After I got out of the shower, I got dressed and went downstairs for some breakfast. My mom had made waffles.

"Mmm smells good!" I said smiling.

"Eat up, before the little ones get up." She said putting a plate of fresh waffles in front of me. I smiled and ate them with syrup. Then I got ready to go over to Jackie's. I hadn't told her anything about what had happened after she left had left in a rush and I would have to make up some explanation. There's no way she could know what was going on. I decided to give Kenny a call so he could take me to Jackie's. He showed up in ten minutes and we left my house. The drive only took a few minutes but Kenny looked over at me.

"Be careful, Justin. I don't know what you're up to, but be careful." He said snaking his head.

"She's a good girl, I can tell." He said.

"Don't worry, nothing's going to happen." I said. Then Kenny quickly pulled up to her driveway. I jumped out of the car and then went to the front door. Kenny drove away. I was going to knock on the door, but then stopped. Then I started to climb the tree by Jackie's window. When I got to the top, I knocked on the window. Jackie turned around. Someone was sitting next to her. It was Jessie. She screamed and ran over to the window. I wasn't expecting Jessie and lost my balance on the tree branch. Before I knew it, I was falling off the tree and hitting the ground on my back as the wind got knocked out of me. I saw Jackie and Jessie running out of the front door. Jackie was laughing her head off and Jessie looked like she was going to cry. I groaned.

"Are you okay?" Jackie said gasping after every word holding her stomach trying to keep the laughter in.

"OhmygoshIjustmadeJustinBieberfalloffmysisterswindow!!!!!!!" Jackie said almost hyperventilating. I groaned again and Jackie helped my up.

"Hi, you must be Jessie." I said smiling through the pain.

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh! He knows my name!" Jessie said squealing.

"Let's go inside," Jackie said walking to the front door. We all went inside and I sat down at the table. Jessie sat across from me and stared.

"Hi! I'm Justin." I said smiling.

"I know and I love you!" Jessie said almost falling out of her chair. Jackie rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"She's hopeless." Jackie said.

"Hey, don't hate on the Biebs!" I said smiling.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked. Jackie shrugged and Jessie stared at me.

"Let's play... Just Dance!" Jessie said getting up and turning on the TV.

"Okay, but if I beat you again promise you won't cry?" Jackie said smiling and teasing Jessie.

"Shut up! Don't embarrass me in front of Justin!" She whined. I laughed.

"It's okay! Just treat me like I was your sister's boyfriend or something." I said smirking at Jackie. She blushed and kicked me. I wish Jessie could actually treat me like that.

"Haha, Jackie's too scary to have a boyfriend. Have you seen her in the morning?" Jessie said laughing.

"Actually, I have." I said only loud enough for Jackie to hear. She kicked me harder. I mad a small noise in the back of my throat. I thought back to that morning.

"Ow!" I said rubbing my shin. She smiled sarcastically. We played just dance for about an hour. It was fun to watch the two sisters dance off and laugh at the dance moves. Then we all ate some ice cream. We were all tired and sweaty. The ice cream felt amazing and cold in my mouth.

"Umm... Can I get an autograph?" Jessie asked sheepishly finishing her ice cream.

"I want to be able to show my friends that I actually met you." She said looking at the floor.

"Sure!" I said. Jessie gave Jackie her phone and came to stand next to me. I leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek. She wasn't expecting it and when we looked at the picture, Jessie's reaction was priceless. I gave her a hug and she almost melted in my arms. I loved knowing that I could actually make people feel like that. I checked the the time on my phone.

"Ooh I got to get going. Scooter needs me for an interview." I said picking up my phone. Jessie went to the bathroom and Jackie was standing. I walked up to her and pulled her close.

"I want Jessie to able to treat me like your boyfriend." I said leaning in and kissing her.

"You have a famous pop star girlfriend, what are you going to tell her?" She said looking up at me.

"It's over between me and Selena." I said. That wasn't entirely true, I mean she wouldn't care, but the media didn't know what was happening. It would be over soon. I didn't want to lie on TV anymore. I couldn't do the TMZ interview anymore. Those pictures of me and Selena were useless.

"We can't say anything to Jessie yet. She will freak out." I said smiling.

"I got to go, see you later?" I said pulling away from her. She nodded and saw me out. I couldn't go through with, I had to tell everyone I loved Jackie, not Selena.

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