Jackie Chapter 31

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As soon as I got home, I hugged my mom and dad.

"This is so weird! We're actually famous!" Dad said.

"You're the one with the superstar boyfriend." Mom said laughing.

"Oh, I gave Scooter your phone number. He might call you sometime today or tomorrow." She said. Since I was getting all of this attention, I thought why not put it to use? The dance studio would blow up and I could make an actual song with Justin or anyone else who would want to sing with me.

"Did anyone tell Jessie yet?" I asked. They both shook their head. I giggled and ran upstairs to tell her.

"Jessie! We're gonna be next door neighbors with JB!" I screamed and jumped on her bed. She dropped her phone and looked at me.

"No. Shut up!" She said.

"No joke! We're moving as soon as we can!" I yelled. She almost passed out with the excitement she was feeling.

"Well I better start packing!" She yelled and began throwing clothes all around her room. I laughed and went to my own. My parents had already begun and it was weird to see their room so empty. I decided to call Adam and Melissa from the studio to help me. They said they would be late so I began to get boxes from downstairs and put clothes in piles on the floor. I heard the doorbell and went to get Adam and Melissa. We stayed up almost all night putting everything away. I was ad that I was leaving my house with all of its memories, but I was more excited to move and start a new life. The next day, I woke up on the floor with Melissa next to me and Adam on the bed.

"Good Morning." I said rubbing my eyes. I looked around my room. We had pretty much gotten everything into a box or bag except for the bed. I got up and stretched. I heard the sound of voices downstairs and to my surprise saw Jessie and Justin eating breakfast.

"Oh my god Jackie! Halloween was like, a few months ago! Take of the hideous mask!" Jessie said snorting. Justin high-fived her.

"Wow you're so mature." I said sarcastically.

"Hey, will you help me get my stuff to the new house?" I asked Justin.

"Sure. I already helped everyone else. You're the last one." He said. I went upstairs and shook Melissa and Adam awake.

"Guys get up! I'm gonna start moving today. Thank you so much for helping me! Do you want me to drop you guys home or something?" I asked putting my hair in a bun. We all trudged downstairs with sleep still clinging on to our bodies. One by one we loaded the boxes into the back of my car and Justin's car. He drove home and I dropped off Adam and Melissa. Then I drove to my new house. I had to admit, being famous was a lot of the work, but the fact that people would like to know everything I was doing made me feel so special. But, I didn't just want to be the girl who became famous because Justin Bieber dated her, I wanted to be famous for something that I could do by myself. I decided to call Scooter before I left to my new house.

"Hey Scooter? It's me Jackie. Justin told me that you might call me but I couldn't wait. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Well, your parents and I were thinking that with your new found fame, you could do something with it. Maybe try to expose your talents using all of the exposure your getting right now. Do you have any ideas as to what you would want to do?" He asked.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe I could make a single featuring Justin with a music video? I mean, I want everything to know that he's the reason I'm famous, but I want to show everyone that in not just a pretty face." I said.

"Wow! You're so prepared you've really thought this through. I wish managing Justin was this easy." He said laughing.

"You can't blame a girl for trying." I said shrugging and then realizing that he couldn't see me, just continued talking.

"Well, I'll check Justin's schedule and ask him what he thinks would be 'swaggy' as he says." Scooter said. I laughed and said goodbye. Then I drove to my new house. My heart was pounding as I drove and I felt a little adrenaline rush. It wasn't like I was going to bungee jump off a skyscraper, but this was probably the most excitement I'd ever experienced in my entire life. I pulled into my new driveway to find Justin, Chaz, Ryan, and Alfredo hanging out in the garage.

"Hey guys! Help me with the boxes? I asked opening the trunk of my car. The guys all walked over. I felt like I knew Justin, but I wasn't really close with all of his friends. I mean the most they'd seen of me was me throwing up and me on stage with Justin and the tickle fight we'd had. He spent most of his time with them and I couldn't blame them. I mean, he was so well known everywhere that anyone would try to do anything to meet him. He knew these guys wouldn't use him and I felt like I had to get to know them better.

"Thanks!" I said handing each one of them the bigger boxes. I couldn't wait to get my new life started. I walked into the new house followed by my train of helpers. One by one we put boxes in my room and I got to know everyone a little better. While everyone was taking a break, Chaz found a box with my bras in it and began launching them at everyone.

"Oh my gosh! Stop it!" I yelled laughing and scolding at the same time. He put one on and began to dance around.

"Oh my gosh stop it!" He said in a falsetto mocking me.

"You're so weird!" I said sitting on a box.

"So what's it like being best friends with a pop star?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Well, you get all the ladies. I mean every girl who's after Justin eventually gets to us." Ryan said laughing.

"I bet Justin will lose her in a month. You'll know where to find me babe." He said winking.

"Oh my god how can you hang around these idiots?" I asked smacking Ryan.

"Oh yeah, I don't think I have all of your numbers. Put 'me in there." I said passing my phone around. Everyone put them in and I read through the contact names. Chaz put his name as 'Sexy Beast' and Ryan was 'Rebound Ryan.'

"You guys are so messed up." I said smiling. Alfredo was just 'Fredo.'

"So far I think Fredo is the only normal one here next to me!" I said.

"Hey! What about me?" Justin asked.

"You? I don't even know why I said yes to you." I said jokingly.

"This is why." He said dipping me and kissing me. Chaz whistled and Alfredo yelled,

"Get a room!" I shooed them away with my hand and kissed him sweetly.

"Ohh that's right!" I said hugging him. So far, I was loving the whole new life change. I hoped it would stay like this forever.

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