Justin Chapter 22

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I had called Kenny before and he came to pick me up a few minutes after I had left Jackie's house. He picked me up and drove me over to the TMZ studio. I had as out an hour before the interview actually started so I went thorough wardrobe and makeup and was just sitting in the couch on my phone waiting for Scooter to show up. When he does, I go up to him.

"I can't do this. I have to tell everyone about Jackie." I say pulling him into my dressing room.

"What? What do you mean? Don't you remember anything about your movie deal? No bad publicity!" He says shaking his head and looking at me.

"I can't lie! I know they are going to ask about her." I say pleading with him.

"If you say anything about her, they will rip her apart. They're gonna make up rumors like,'Is she having your baby?' And your fans aren't gonna take well to a new girlfriend. I'm not saying they're rude, but think of all the hate she'll get." He says trying to reason with me.

"We can fix it! I mean we can work through it! Clean up any rumors!" I say trying to get him to say yes.

"I hate to do this to you Justin, really, I do. But that movie deal is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don't want to ruin your chances and Jackie's life. As soon as the movie deal is final, you can yell it on the rooftops. I'm trying to do what's best for you." He says massaging his temples.

"I don't know." I say sighing and faking back on a couch. A few minutes later, someone comes to get me.

"You're on in 5." He says leaning on my door. I can't do this. If they ask me about her,I can't lie. But what about my movie? I can't miss it. Then, they usher me on the set. The hostess, Sarah, asks me about my tour and music. It goes on for about twenty minutes minutes when she finally asks me.

"Everyone has been dying to know, who is the mystery girl?" Sarah asks. Time seems to slow down. I don't turn my head, but I look at Scooter. He slightly shakes his head.

"What mystery girl?" I say nonchalantly. I hope that I don't look like I feel. My insides are squeezing.

"The one in this picture." She says pointing to the screen behind me.

"Oh, that's no mystery girl, that's Selena. We went out that night. Nothing big, just a day in the park." I say. I can feel my heart break. I don't how, but I can feel Jackie's heart snap too. I go on showing her the pictures we took together that night. I begin talking like I'm on autopilot. I can't even hear what I'm saying. I tell her that I've never see this girl who I love before. I tell her that she must be some crazy fan who wants and autograph. Then I tell her that we wouldn't even have a good ship name. I would give anything to be a part of Juskie right now. Then I say something that I know will stop all the rumors. I say that Selena has my heart. Then I had to look down at the floor and smile. I felt like I could get up and yell,

"No! This is all wrong! It's all a lie!" But I can't. The audience awws and they think I'm thinking about Selena. Then Sarah continues to ask me about how me and Selena are doing and about how I might be in some movies later on. I can't hear anything. After a few more gruesome moments, the interview is over. As soon as I get off set, I text Jackie. I have no idea what to say.

"I'm sorry. We need to talk." I text her. I get a reply a few seconds later.

"Don't ever talk to me again." It says. It wasn't my fault! I didn't have a choice. I go to my dressing room and slump on the couch and wait for someone to pick me up. I don't know who, but anyone. Kenny finally shows up and I guess Scoter told him not to bother me because he doesn't say anything to me while he drives me to Jackie's.

(After visiting Jackie)

I don't call Kenny, or Scooter, or mom. I just climb down from her window and start walking. At this point, I don't care who sees me. I turn off my phone. I can't handle it going off one more time. I walk the dark streets and am almost halfway home when I decide to turn my phone back on. There are about millions of texts and calls form just about everyone. I call Chaz and tell him to pick me up. He shows up a few minutes later and I hop in without a word.

"What is going on man?" He asks looking over at me.

"A lot of shit." I say slumping in my seat.

"Dude, I'm like one of your best friends. Just say it." He says.

"Remember the girl who I hit with the door that day?" I said carefully. He nodded.

"Well, I got to know her better and I fell in love with her. But Scooter won't let me tell everyone about it. And I just lied to the entire world on national television and I think I lost her because she won't talk to me anymore." I say spilling everything.

"Why didn't you just tell everyone? Or just break up with Selena? Wouldn't that just make your life easier?" He says shaking his head.

"I didn't have a choice." I said letting my head fall on the dashboard.

"Whatever man." He says sighing. When I get home, I don't talk to mom or anyone else. I just go up to my room and slam the door. Then I pull out my home and try calling Jackie multiple times. I text her and then plop my phone on my bed and just lay there. What was going on with my brain?

I fell asleep laying there and woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I groaned and opened the door. It's Scooter and I almost slammed the door on his face but at the last moment, decided not to.

"Look, I feel terrible for what I did and I don't know how to make it up to you." He says standing in front of me.

"Ya, well you can't do anything now. She saw the interview and won't even talk to me anymore." I say crossing my arms.

"Look, you have one last performance in Atlanta before you have to leave." He says.

"I was thinking you could make it up to her then? It's the least I can do for you. And if it makes you feel any better, your movie deal is still on." He says.

"You know what? I don't even care about the frickin movie anymore. Let him give the role to someone else. I don't care." I said getting up. Then Alfredo, Ryan,and Chaz all walked in.

"We were listening." Alfredo said smiling sheepishly.

"The Biebs is back!" Chaz yelled fist pumping.

"I've got a plan and its going to work. I'm getting Jackie back!" I said with more determination then I'd ever felt before.

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