Jackie Chapter 7

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I woke up an hour later from my nap. I started the car and looked at the time. Great there was probably still an hour or more left of the show. I was so bored so I decided to turn on the radio and took out my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram and Twitter when I decided this was boring. I always had a backup of my dance music in the car so I thought why not practice while I have time. I popped the CD in the player and got out of the car. Po ran through my routing at least 15 times memorizing and trying to perfect the moves. I didn't really have a professional teacher, I just watched YouTube videos and copied them. For the past few months I've been thinking about starting my own channel and try to get some attention, but I've never been able to bring myself to actually do it. After dancing for a good hour I decided to sing a little bit. I was working on some covers so I decided to sit in the car and just sing along with the radio for a while. This was really getting boring. I decided to just freestyle and got out of the car with the radio on. It was a solo dance party.

"Wow Jackie! You're so cool. Look how many friends you have at your party!" I said to myself sarcastically while just dancing for a while. I was dancing, but I stopped because I thought I heard voices on the other end. I decided to go and dance my way to the door. If anyone was watching me, I probably looked like a dork.

"Who could that be? I thought dancing. I was about to go back to my car when all of a sudden the door opened and I smacked my head hard on the door. I saw four guys standing on the other side of the door as I stumbled and fell on the pavement smacking my head again. I think my brains shifted I my head.

"Oh shit." I heard one of them say as they all rushed up to me. The guy who opened the door rushed up to me and made me sit up.

"Did I just hit you with the door?" He said looking concerned.

"No I just decided to fricking slam my head into a heavy metal door, of course you hit me idiot!" I said holding my head. My eyes weren't really focused so I shook my head to try to clear it. My eyes focused and I realized who I was sitting in front of.

"Wait..." I said confused looking down at the purple sweatshirt with Justin Bieber's face on it.

"Aren't you-" I was cut off with his hand over my mouth.

"I will give you anything you want if you promise not to scream! What do you want? Money, tickets, autograph? Anything!" He whisper screamed at me. His friends just stood there staring awkwardly. I slapped away his hand and looked up at him disgustedly.

"I don't want your fricking money! I want some help! Help me up. God my head hurts a lot." I said. He looked at me taken aback. He probably wasn't used to meeting someone who didn't die at the sight of him.

"Of course! Shit, I'm so sorry. This all my fault. Fuck." He said motioning to his friends to help me up.

"Stop swearing! It's so annoying!" I yelled at him "Wait, isn't your name Marinara or something?" I asked one of the guys helping me up. The two other guys snickered.

"The names Alfredo!" He said annoyed.

"Sorry, I just remembered that it was like a sauce or something. I think I have a concussion. Where is my sister?" I asked. Words were spewing out of my mouth like word vomit.

"Oh, geez," I said tilting in Justin's direction. "I don't feel so good." I said and I looked around for the nearest thing to barf in. The only thing I could see was the hat that Bieber was wearing. I grabbed it and threw up in it.

"Woaahh!" All the guys exclaimed as they took a step back.

"Seriously?! Why my hat?" He wailed watching me barf. He's such a douche! I'm throwing up and probably have a concussion and he's worried about his hat.

"Really you're worried about your stinking hat!? I think I have a concussion and you're worried about your hat? What a douche!" I said holding the hat. I stumbled a bit and Justin tired to hold me up.

"Don't touch me jerk!" I said as I walked to the closest dumpster and threw his hat in it. All four of the guys looked awestruck.

"Dude, this chick must've really gotten messed up in the head. She doesn't even know who I am! And I don't think any girl would ever talk to the famous Mr. Bieber! Geez." Alfredo said.

What am I going to do? Did this seriously happen? I thought to myself shaking my head.

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