Jackie Chapter 9

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I was standing in front of the four guys as they watched me.

"So what now?" I asked glaring at all of the guys.

"Well, wait, what's your name?" Justin asked scratching his head.

"Oh uh I'm Jackie." I said awkwardly. The one by one Ryan, Alfredo, and Chaz introduced themselves.

"Well we can't just leave you like this. We got to get you to a doctor." Chaz said. Seriously? I can't just let an international teen-pop sensation and his three friends take me to a doctor.

"Wait, my sister, she was at the concert. I'm supposed to be her ride home. I can't just leave her here. You just had to smack me with a door Mr. Superstar!" I sighed.

"Hey, none of this is my fault! What were you doing in a dark alley all alone and not at the concert? Wait, this is my fault, isn't it. If I'd had an extra ticket we wouldn't be here." He said smacking his head.

"I have an idea. Alfredo, find her sister. What's her name?" He asked quickly.

"Jessie, why?" I said cautiously.

"Great, find Jessie and call her a taxi. Hang out with her for a while. We're going to say that you drove home because you were really bored." He said tilting his head towards my car.

"Ry and Chaz, take care of Scooter, mom, and Kenny. Make something up. I'll take Jackie to the doctor in her car and then find some way to get home. Sound good?" Justin said taking charge.

"Wait, how can I trust you guys. I'm not going to get in a car with anyone!" I said folding my arms. Honestly this is the worst timing ever!

"You just got your head smashed twice in the past 20 minutes. You can't drive like this. What if you pass out?" Justin said matter-of-factly. Seriously, he is the most annoying person ever.

"Fine, but if anything happens to me or my sister I'm going to kill you!" I said almost fuming.

"Okay, Jackie, can you text me a picture of Jessie?" Alfredo said. I gave him my number and sent him the best picture I could find.

"Hey can I have your number too? You know just in case." Ryan said smirking.

"Stop hitting on her man! She just for smacked on the head!" Chaz said laughing. All of these guys are complete idiots!

"Can we go now? I need to get home." I said annoyed.

"Okay. Let's go everyone." Justin said clapping his hands. Chaz and Ryan left, and Alfredo went out to the front of the venue to find Jessie. God, my parents are going to kill me! Justin walked up to the driver side and got in. He put the key in the ignition and looked at me. He was so rude! He didn't even open the door for me! He looked at me for a good minute. Then he rolled down the window on the passenger side.

"What are you doing? Get in the car! You're the one that wanted to leave so bad." He said al out whining. What a jerk.

"I don't care how famous you are, you need to learn some manners. Geez, you rich kids get everything you want. Open my door for me!" I said tapping my foot. He looked stupefied.

"What are you waiting for? Get out and open my door." I said.

"Okay?" He said confused. He opened my door and I sat down. He started the car and looked over at me.

"How are you doing?" He said turning and facing me. We were on a main road now.

"Eyes on the road, idiot!" I yelled at him.

"Gosh calm down! I know how to drive! Stop being such a bit-" He almost finished his sentence but I glared at him and he apologized. A few seconds later, he turned on the radio. Of course one of his songs came on. "As Long As You Love Me" started playing. Then of all things, he stared to sing along!

"You sing along to yourself?! Wow, how can someone be so self-centered?" I said shaking my head. He looked offended.

"I thought it would lighten the mood! Do you hate me or something? I didn't do anything to you! Well, other than hit you with a door." He said the last part sheepishly.

"Wait, do you hate my music?" He asked worried.

"No. I like your music, just not you. Like as a person. You have all of this money and you do whatever you want. You think that it would be everyone's dream to hear the teen sensation Justin Bieber sing along to his own song, but you don't know how everyone else is. I don't get the big deal over fangirling. It's not like every girl or guy out there is going to be your best friend or meet you and be your best friend. It's a waste of time. I mean you have good music, but still. You might love your fans, but to show it all you do is have concerts and tweet them." I said shaking my head.

"Oh, I'm sorry? I mean I would do anything for my fans. I didn't know people felt that way. You are brutally honest." He said signing. "Do you want me to change the station?" He asked awkwardly.

"It's fine I actually like this song." I said singing along with the radio. Then I started to rap along with Big Sean. I actually knew the words, and I had a dance choreographed to it. Justin looked over and smirked.

"Are you sure you aren't a Beliber? You know my song by heart." I punched his shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Bieber. Don't let fame get to your head. Just because because I know your song doesn't mean I'm a fan. Did you know it's one of the most overplayed songs on the radio? " I said.

"You are so confusing." Justin said shaking his head.We drove the rest of the way in silence.

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