Justin Chapter 18

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Jackie held up her phone and was still looking for a signal. I didn't have any signal and for once I was happy about that. I was tired of people always calling me and my phone going off all the time. But, as soon as I got signal I'm sure there would be millions of calls from Scooter and mom. It was really awkward just walking and waving my phone in the air. Then all of a sudden Jackie yelled,

"Justin! Watch out!" As I fell into a huge pond. I threw my phone before I hit the water and she caught it. Jackie started laughing.

"Damn it!" I said trying to get up. Then I had an idea.

"My foots stuck in the mud, help me out!" I said lying. Jackie put down her phone and purse by the edge of the water.

"Oh no, the superstar can't get out of an itty bitty pond." She said making a pouty face and reaching an arm out. Then I pulled her in. She screamed and started laughing.

"Oh my gosh! What the heck Bieber?" She said laughing and splashing me. We played in the pond for a little bit. When Jackie wasn't looking, I came up behind her and threw her in the air and she landed with a splash. She came up snorting water from her nose and laughing. Then we got out and took of our shoes because they were sopping wet. Then she took of her hoodie and hung it up on a branch.

"Woaahh, calm down, no one said anything about stripping!" I said smirking.

"Shut up Bieber." She said throwing grass at me. Then I took of my shirt and jeans. I went and hung up my clothes on a tree too.

"Justin, put your pants on!" She said throwing them at me from the tree.

"What? They're just drying." I said putting them in the grass. She looked me up and down. I smirked.

"Like what you see?" I asked. Her face turned red. I laughed. She sat down in the grass next to me. I took a few deep breathes and closed my eyes. It was so nice not having anyone following me or pretending to be someone who I wasn't. Jackie just made it so much easier to be myself.

"This place is so beautiful." Jackie said looking around.

"Yes, you are." I said not thinking. She looked at me.

"Uh... Um I mean. Oh fuck it, I can't do this anymore. Jackie, I like you a lot. I can't help it." I said. I could feel myself blushing and I scratched my head. She just looked at me.

"Say something! The world famous Justin Bieber has a crush on you!" I said looking at her. She scorched over and looked at me. Then she leaned in and kissed me. I felt her soft perfect lips against mine. Then she pulled away.

"I think I have a crush on the world famous Justin Bieber too." She said interlocking her fingers with mine and laying back in the grass. I laid back with her. We sat there for a while and then I got up.

"Let's walk back to car, there's some gas in the trunk." I said smiling.

"What? I thought there wasn't a tank left?" She said sarcastically.

"I think I might've missed it. Aren't you going to ask why I lied?" I said pulling her up. We got our half- dried clothes and pulled them on.

"I think I already know." She said getting up and giving me a peck on my cheek. I laughed and carried her to the car bridal style. She got to the car and pulled the tank out and filled up her car. Then she drove back to city. As we neared my house, she dropped me off a block away, but she walked with me to my house. Before I opened the door, I grabbed Jackie's waist and pulled her in for a kiss. Then all of a sudden, I heard click and saw the flash.

"Shit," I said and covered Jackie before the pap could get any pictures of her face. I didn't think he had seen her. I checked left and right and then grabbed Jackie's hand and said,

"You got to go back to your car, hurry! Before they find it!" I said.

"Wha-what happened?" She said getting of my front steps.

"You got to go, I'll call you later." I said. Jackie turned around and ran to her car. Then I called Selena.

"I need you to come over right now and wear a purple hoodie, some skinny jeans, and black high tops. Hurry." I said talking as fast as I could. She showed up five minutes later.

"I'm ready, what's going on?" She asked getting out of her car.

"We need to look for paps and make them take pictures. Lots of them. Let's go to the park. Tweet about it or something." I said speed-walking to the park. Selena had to jog to keep up with me. I couldn't let word get out that I was with Jackie. Scooter would murder me if he saw this. When we got there, we took tons of pictures kissing and hanging out on the jungle gym. When I got back home, I got a call from Scooter. He told me TMZ wanted an interview about some pictures they had gotten. I agreed and told him everything was under control. I just hope Jackie doesn't get involved with my crazy life and my movie deal doesn't get mixed up.

Ooohhh what do you think is going to happen next? Be sure to comment, vote, share, and follow me! Comment! I would love some feedback! I know the stories starting slow, but I promise it'll get better!! I love all of you and thank you for reading!

P.S. I realize I messed up the title for the last chapter!! I'm so sorry lol! Oops!

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