Justin Chapter 32

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I woke up and the first thing I did was walk to my window and pull up the blinds. I saw Jackie sitting on her bed and rubbing her eyes and yawning with her mouth stretched into a funny shape. It was the most adorable thing ever next to of course, my hair flip, even though it was long gone. I took a picture and sent it to her. She looked at it and then turned around and looked at me. I leaned up against the window frame. She blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it. She texted me saying that she was gonna go shower and set up her bathroom so I waved goodbye and went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit. Then I called Scooter to see if I had any big plans today. He told me I had rehearsal, a photo shoot, and maybe an interview depending on the time the photo shoot ended. I wore some comfortable clothes because rehearsal was always tiring and the photo shoot would supply me some clothes. Before I left for rehearsal, I dropped by Jackie's house and left her a note. I know people saw me as this douche bag player kind of guy, but I guess that was the reputation I had made with the people I had gone out with in the past and they just spread the word. I mean, me and Selena were fine but Caitlin Beadles, my first actual girlfriend and I hadn't ended on the best terms. Her brother, Christian, and I were pretty tight so we kept in touch but I hadn't seen or talked to Caitlin in months. Who knows what nasty stuff she'd spread about me. I mean, for the time that Caitlin and I had gotten me out everything was fine.

"I mean, I ain't all bad." I thought to myself. That actually sounded like a pretty good line for a song so I made a note of it on my phone. I got to rehearsal and we started working as soon as I walked in. Today was just choreography and mic testing. We ended pretty early so I left rehearsal and got to the photo shoot pretty early. I called Kenny and asked him if he could bring me some food before the shoot began and he said he would be over in a few. This what I hated about being Justin Bieber. I couldn't hop in a car and go get ice cream or fast food whenever I was hungry. Jackie, on the other hand had everything that I wanted. I guess that was one of the reasons I liked her so much. But I felt like telling the world that she was mine forced her to become like me. She would have to move out her old house, she couldn't be able to go to the dance studio whenever she wanted, or meet up with friends and hang out just because she was bored. While I was thinking all these deep thoughts, I didn't realize that another person had come into the studio with the cameraman. I looked up form the floor to see a tall brunette standing with her back towards me. Just then, Kenny walked in with a bag of McDonalds and I got up and took it for him hungrily. I forgot about the girl with the camera person and began scarfing down the food. I don't know why I was always so hungry. I was almost through my entire meal when the director of the photo shoot came up to me with the girl.
"Justin, this is going to be your female counter part in today's shoot. Justin this is Caitlin, Caitlin Justin." He said. My mouth dropped open. I almost didn't recognize her with her hair and figure. She'd changed so much.

"Shut your mouth or you'll catch flies." She said smirking. I could see her looking me up and down.

"Like what you see?" I shot back. Would I be able to spend a day with her without strangling her? I mean, she was hot and all, but still, her personality was the same. My phone buzzed on the table I was sitting at. It was a text from Jackie. Oh shit! This entire time I was busy checking out Caitlin and forgot about Jackie. Actually, I was pretty thankful that she texted me. I couldn't go around flirting and basically be the 'Justin Bieber' that everyone thought I was. For once, k had someone who was waiting for me. Someone who actually cares about me and doesn't just want the fame.

"Let's get this over with." I said staring daggers at the photographer.

"We won't be able to with that attitude. This is supposed to be a 'cute teenager' photo shoot. You guys don't seem like the best candidates. Should we just cancel or something?" The photographer asked.

"It's fine. We can do it. We're both mature enough right?" Caitlin said looking over at me.

"Yeah it's fine." I had to agree. Plus Scooter hated when he and to cancel or reschedule stuff because it messed up the rest of my schedule. I turned around and went to my dressing room and found a rack full of clothes. I put on the first outfit labeled one and went to makeup for some touch ups. Sometimes the managers wanted me to put on mascara or bronzer but I had told Scooter since day one that I didn't want to look someone I wasn't so the only thing that I usually let the makeup artists put on me was stuff that would stop my face from looking oily. I know it makes me sound super girly but the stuff made my forehead look great. When we got in front of the camera, the beginning few pictures seemed awkward but then we both got over our issues and took some great pictures. We were laughing and the clothes looked great. As we took more pictures in different poses, I felt like we were sent back in time when we were together. We'd had our moments. She looked amazing and, well, I was amazing. We would probably still look amazing together. I shook my head. I couldn't think like this anymore. I had someone. I. Had. Someone. Get it in your head Bieber! I thought to myself. It was the last set of clothes we had for the shoot. I was wearing a tux and she was wearing what looked like a prom dress. The photographer made us do a bunch of 'promish' poses and I couldn't get these thoughts out of my head. He told me to hold her by the waist and she was supposed to put her arms around on my shoulder.

"Perfect guys! I want to be able to believe this!" The photographer yelled. I tried my best to look into Caitlin's eyes and look genuine.

"I'll make team believe." She said. All of a sudden, my head was being pulled down to hers and she kissed me standing on the tips of her toes. I stood there for a second and by the time I reacted, the camera shutter had already gone off. I pulled away quickly.

"What the fuck was that for?" I said taking a step away from her.

"What? The kiss?" She said playing dumb.

"No, the fact that you punched me in the face- of course the kiss!" I said angrily.

"Calm down! It was just for the picture." She said trying to look innocent.

"Oh sure! I got to go." I said going to my dressing room to get my stuff.

"Well don't act like you didn't enjoy it." She said following me.

"I didn't." I said putting on my jacket and grabbing my phone. I texted Kenny to pick me up.

"Wow, you've changed." She said looking at me.

"Yeah, people do that you know." I snapped at her.

"It was just for a photo shoot. Everyone knows it won't mean anything." She said. I left the studio and waited outside for Kenny. I stood there and smiled like an idiot. On any other day, I probably would've kissed Caitlin. But now I had a reason to not act stupid and be that guy that everyone thought I was.

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