Jackie Chapter 21

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I couldn't believe it. Justin wanted to be with me. Not Selena or anybody else, me. It made me want to roll up in my covers and sit there in the warmth. Justin had only been gone for an hour and I already missed him. I wondered what he was doing. Would he tell everyone live? Or just tweet about it? I had gone to my bedroom to sit on my bed and think about everything that had happened to me in past 72 hours. I didn't have a Twitter, just an Instagram. I scrolled through my feed on my phone and then followed Justin. I scrolled through the hundreds of pictures. Half of them were with Selena. Now, there could be hundreds of pictures with me. Jackie was sitting downstairs and I could hear her bragging to one of her friends about her picture with Justin. Then Jackie yelled,

"Jack! Justin Bieber's gonna do a live interview for TMZ! It starts in, like, twenty minutes! Wanna watch with me!?"

"Sure!" I yelled back down to her. I rolled off my bed and walked down the stairs. I wonder what this interview would be about. Would he tell the world about me today? I went downstairs and made some popcorn and got some Fanta from the fridge. The I sat down next to Jackie and waited for the interview to start. A few minutes later, it started. The hostess introduced herself and the Justin, who was sitting next to her in a nice chair couch kind of thing. I smiled when I saw him. I didn't see him as the stuck up idiot anymore, I saw him as a cute, caring idiot now. First they talked about his music and his tour that was still going on. I got up and went to the bathroom. A second before I came out, I heard Jackie scream. I ran out of the bathroom.

"What is it?! What's wrong?!" I said panting.

"Why are you on the TV?" She said pointing. I was confused. Was Justin telling everyone about us? No, the picture was of the night we had gone out to the country. Justin was holding me in front of his house and you could only see half of my face.

"Everyone has been dying to know, who is the mystery girl?" The hostess said.

"What mystery girl?" Justin said tilting his head and scrunching his eyebrows.

"The one in this picture." She said pointing.

"Oh, that's no mystery girl, that's Selena. We went out that night. Nothing big, just a day in the park." He said pulling out his phone. What? A date with Selena? That was me! Why was he lying about this?

"See, here are some more pictures of that night." He said showing the phone to the hostess. They showed up on the TV screen. Pictures of them on the swing set, pushing each other down the slide, kissing by a tree. What was happening? Why was he lying about that night? Why wouldn't he tell them about me? He told me he wanted to be my boyfriend.

"Oh I see, guess it was just some mistaken identity." She said plastering a fake smile. I bet she was hoping for some gossip or something.

"Well, someone sent us a picture of this. Do you have any idea who this is? She was seen at the end of your block. Our sources say her name is Jackie, Jackie Thomas?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"Umm... No sorry, I don't think I've ever see her before." He said smiling looking confused.

"Sometimes my Belibers, who I love, get a bit crazy. She probably just wanted to get a picture with me or something." He said.

"And don't start with those dating rumors!" He said laughing.

"I mean, we wouldn't even have a good ship name! Juskie or Jackin? Don't get me wrong, I love all my fans, even the crazy ones, but Selena has my heart." He said smiling and looking at the floor. Was he blushing?! The audience laughed and awwed at his little speech. Then the interview went on and they talked about how him and Selena were doing and about how he might be in some movies later on in his career. I didn't hear any of it.

"Are you okay?" She said looking at me with worry written across her face. I couldn't speak, I could feel the tears pricking my eyes. I tried to stand up, but fell back on the couch

"What was Justin doing holding you like that?" She said.

"He said he wanted to be my boyfriend. I thought he loved me, I thought I loved him." I said shaking violently. Jackie hugged me tight.

"It's going to be okay." She said turning off the TV. Then all of a sudden, my phone vibrated on the couch. It was a text from Justin.

"I'm sorry. We need to talk." It read.

"Don't ever talk to me again." I replied.

"I need to be alone right now." I said to Jessie. I got up and went to my room and locked the door. I lay down on my bed and cried into my pillow. I got another text from Justin.

"Please! Let me talk to you! I'm outside." It said. I looked out my window and saw Justin in my window. I didn't make any move to open the window so he opened it himself.

"Jackie I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. It was all a mistake. They made me do it." He said walking towards me.

"You didn't mean for any of this like you didn't mean anything you said to me." I said not looking at him.

"No one can make you do anything. You always have a choice." I said getting madder by the second.

"Jackie, I'm sorry, but I had to. I didn't want your life to get messed up. I mean you aren't a celebrity, you're just an ordinary girl. You wouldn't know how to deal with all the shit that we have to go through." He said trying to take my hand. I pulled it away like his touch stung me. The anger boiled over inside of me.

"Oh! I'm just an ordinary girl! I'm sorry I'm not some famous idiot superstar! You had a choice an you made it! You chose your great glamorous life over me. Or maybe I'm too ordinary to understand." I said practically screaming.

"That's not what I meant!" He said helplessly.

"It is what you meant. If I was Selena, you would make sure you would find someone to take pictures just so that the world would know you were with her. I'm too ordinary for you. I'm sorry I ever met you." I said shaking.

"Jackie, I love you. I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry. I can fix this." He said pleading with me.

"Go tell it to someone who cares." I said coldly and turned around. I didn't watch him leave. After he left, I buried my face in the pillow and cried some more. Why did I ever think that someone like him could ever love someone like me?

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