Justin Chapter 34

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We all took a break from painting and all sat in the middle of Jackie's room. The room looked great. Every wall was painted and it looked really sick. Jackie sat next to me with her head leaning on my shoulder. Ryan and Chaz were sitting opposite us.

"So Jackie? What do you think of the room?" I asked her.

"I think it's perfect." She said looking up at me.

"Hey guys! Wanna go out tonight? We could crash an opening night of some new bar opening up or something. There is something always going on around here." Chaz said scrolling through his phone.

"Sure. I'm pretty tired from all this stuff. We can all blow off some steam." I said leaning my back on the frame of Jackie's bed. Jackie stood up and looked at all of us.

"Guys, we're eighteen. We can't just waltz into a bar and pretend we're like twenty one or something." She said.

"Well, the rules change a bit, actually, then don't exist at all if you know Justin Bieber." Alfredo said.

"Ya, they'll let us in no matter what. It's fun for us and more publicity for them." I said sitting up again. Being able to go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted kind of made up for the fact that I missed all of my high school experiences. I mean, by this time I would be in my senior year and going to prom and parties. But I guess I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for this. But still, there were probably some killer parties that Ryan and Chaz got to go to when I had to tour or hide inside from paps. Well, if everyone from school could see me now.

"Do they let you guys drink?" She asked.

"Depends on if the bartender is a girl or not." Chaz said. Ryan high-fived him. There had been some pretty funny stuff go down at clubs when we would dare one of the guys to try and get a drink and usually they would fail. But now, we're so well known, rarely people ever think twice.

"Let's do it! I'm officially bored of painting and sitting. After all, the one and only Justin Bieber can never be bored. Servants! Amuse me!" I said throwing an unused paintbrush at Chaz.

"Right away your majesty!" He said with a funny accent and started dancing like an idiot. Then, everyone else joined in. If there was any paparazzi hiding in the bushes, they would think we were trying to conjure some rain or something.

"Okay let's let everything dry. I'll meet you guys later I want to shower and wash my hair. It feels nasty." Jackie said messing with her hair.

"You already showered! How many times do you clean yourself everyday? You're lucky if I shower once a week." I said raising my arm pretending to gag at the smell. The guys all laughed.

"Really? Is that why you have Dove women's shampoo in your bathroom?" Jackie asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Dude what the heck?" Ryan said laughing.

"I thought Jackie was the one who smelled nice! Guess I had the wrong person!" Chaz said. Jackie burst out laughing.

"No I don't! You're just jealous of my luscious hair!" I said messing up Jackie's hair.

"How would Jackie know what shampoo you use?" Alfredo asked raising his eyebrow. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Guys, I don't think Justin has Dove shampoo, I think he used some of Jackie's when they were in the shower!" Chaz said jumping around. I smirked and shrugged.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?! You guys are so messed up!" Jackie said getting up and swatting Chaz.

"Hey, what can I say?" I said shrugging again.

"I can't be around you people anymore! Don't mess up the walls or you're gonna have to redo everything yourselves!" Jackie said grabbing some clothes from a box and leaving the room.

"So where are we going?" I asked laying on my back and staring at the ceiling.

"There's a new club, Lif opening today. It's supposed to be really cool and tons of people are gonna be there." Chaz said. (Idk lol I was playing Kim K and used the club from there lol).

"Well, what do you wanna do until then?" Ryan asked.

"Les go to my place and play some Xbox or something." I said standing up.

"Let's go." Alfredo said dusting off his jeans. I texted Jackie that we were going over to my house and she should meet us there. Tonight was going to be fun.

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