Justin Chapter 14

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There wasn't any way I was dancing with anyone other than Jackie. I had to admit, her crew was really good. I'm surprised they were still dancing in a warehouse. On the outside, it didn't look like much, but with the dance-off setting, it looked like a decent club. As the people started narrowing down. Finally, it was just four people left. Me, Jackie, that Adam kid, and a girl. I knew I had to dance with Jackie. Before anyone took the center, I looked at the girl. I tilted my head at Jackie. I think she got the idea because she grabbed Adam and pulled him center stage. This was going to be amazing. I could try and 'show off.' Why was I trying so hard to impress this girl I'd just met? Finally, it was my turn. As soon as I was going to ask Jackie, she grabbed my arm and pulled me on the stage. Then, ironically enough, 'Beauty and a Beat'/started playing. I smirked at Jackie and said,

"Watch and learn." She rolled her eyes and watched me break dance.

"Really? You call that dancing?" She said smirking. The audience whooped. Then, she began to drop it like it's hot. Her moves looked so effortless and she was having so much fun. The audience started cheering. I saw how it was going to be. I pulled my best moves, stuff I don't think I've ever done on camera. I thought I was doing going to beta her for sure. But then, she began dancing and it was amazing. She used the floor and any other level possible. As soon as the song ended, she ran to Adam who apparently knew wha to do and gave her a leg up as she raan towards him and did a backflip! What couldn't she do?!?! Everyone cheered for Jackie.

"I think we all know who won." She said laughing and hugging her friends. I stood there awestruck for a minute. She came up to me and gave me a hug.

"That was pretty good for a pop star, but you could do better." She said laughing. I made a face at her jokingly. I asked her crew of it was okay if I watched and practiced with them. I kept a close eye on Adam to get the moves down. I caught on quick even though the choreography was pretty difficult. They were practicing to 'As Long As You Love Me' and the moves they used really went with the song. Why didn't I think of this stuff? After watching them perform with Jackie and Adam singing the leads, I asked if I could step in for Adam.

"No, no you're our guest, just watch and tell us what to improve at the end." Jackie said shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

"Nah man, go ahead! I can't believe Justin Bieber is going to pretend to be me!" Adam said raising his eyes at Jackie. I think he knew that she didn't want to practice with me and was belong a brother out. We started the routine with her starting off. The dance went perfectly. I don't think I've ever danced that well with anyone. The closing of the dance had a step that I'd been waiting for through the entire dance. I was supposed to end on the floor and she was supposed to turn her back to me. But, at the last second, I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me so our foreheads were touching. She was surprised but sang through the last chord. Everyone looked over at us and whistled or made cat calls. In the corner, I saw Kenny smiling.

"Um... That was, uh, really good." She said breathing really hard. I was still holding on to her in the pose from the end of the dance.

"It was, huh?" I said smiling.

"Hey. Dance ended a few minutes ago. You planning on letting go?" Jackie said smirking at me.

"Oh haha sorry." I said blushing. She laughed and gave me a hug. It felt like heaven in my arms. Then she told her crew that practice was over. I stared at her as she was laughing and and talking to her friends. Adam caught me looking and came up to me.

"So what's going on between you two? How did she manage to score a pop star?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, nothing. I just hit her with a door." I said to myself. Adam looked at me funny.

"Long story." I said sheepishly.

"Well don't hurt her, or I will hurt you. She's a great girl, like my sister. Watch out. I don't care who you are." He said looking solemnly.

"Woahh! Don't worry man!" I said chuckling nervously. I think it was time for me to admit something to myself.

I think I love Jackie.


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P.S. Please comment! I would love some ideas for the future chapters and some feedback! :P

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