Jackie Chapter 27

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of camera shutters and yelling. I got out of bed and looked out the window. The paparazzi still hadn't left yet! As soon as one of them saw me, they all started pointing and taking pictures. I was momentarily blinded by the flashes. Man, being famous was hard work. I shut my blinds and went downstairs.

"Okay. Yesterday, getting interviewed was really cool. But now they won't leave the porch and it's getting annoying." Jessie said crossing her arms.

"Goodness Gracious don't they have anything better to do?" Dad said massaging his temples. No one had been able to leave the house so I guess Mom and Dad couldn't go to work.

"Umm... I'll ask Justin what to do he probably knows what to do." I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Ooooooh Justin." Jessie said.

"Hey, you're just jealous." I said tickling her.

"Whatever!" She said through laughs. I texted Justin asking him what to do. He responded within seconds.

"He says to talk to Scooter, his manager." I said. I wrote down the phone number he had sent on some paper.

"Can. You guys talk to him? I have his number." I said handing them the number.

"Well, it's not like we have anywhere to go." Mom said sarcastically. I went upstairs and decided to shower and freshen up. I took an extra long shower and finished all of the hot water. Jessie started pounding on the door.

"I'm not gonna have any water Jackie!!" She screamed. I ignored her and took my time getting out and shaking put my hair. I decided to let it air dry. Then I put on sweat pants and a huge t-shirt. Most of the paparazzi had left, but a few still lingered.

"Hey, Mom? Do you think those guys outside are hungry?" I said looking out the window.

"Probably, they've been sitting out there waiting." She said still on the phone with Scooter. I grabbed a serving plate and put some cookies and other food on there. Then I got some lemonade and cups.

"Be right back!" I yelled putting some shoes on. As soon as I opened the door, everyone rushed up to me.

"Hey. I realize you guys really want to talk to me, but there isn't much going on right now. I brought some food for you guys. I mean, you're probably really hungry." I said handing out some lemonade and handing one of the guys the platter of food.

"Oh, um thanks?" One of them said.

"You guys should come back when Justin comes over or something. We're literally just sitting around doing normal people stuff." I said shrugging.

"Um sure. Thanks for the food." One of the men said. I said goodbye and went inside.

"Well, that was nice of you." Mom said smiling with the phone still up to her ear.

"Hey, kill 'em with kindness." I said.

"What have been talking about for the last, like three hours? I asked.

"Well, Scooter was wondering if you wanted to perform with Justin for the rest of his tour with your crew. And we are going to meet Justin's parents." She said looking excited.

"Oh my god that would be amazing!" I said jumping a little bit. This was so exciting. One day I was an ordinary girl living her life, the next I was going on tour with Justin Bieber.

"We're working out some stuff and we might even be able to stay in a house by Justin's while you're on tour. Scooter says he has a house next door to them and it has more than enough room for us." She said. I was squealing and running around. If the paparazzi had still been here, they would have gotten some interesting pictures.

"Don't tell Jessie. I wanna surprise her." Mom said. I nodded and decided to eat something. I ate cereal and watched some TV. Then I got a text from Justin. It said he was coming over to visit. This would be weird. My parents would finally get to meet him. What if they thought he was a complete stuck up idiot? Well, I mean, that's what I thought too so you never know.

"Hey Mom? Justin is coming over to visit. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Oh sure! We can finally get to meet your superstar boyfriend." She said.

"Please treat him like any boyfriend I would bring home." I said sighing.

"Well, we really don't have anything else to go off of. He's the first one you've brought home and you went all out." She said laughing.

"Mom!" I said with my face turning red. I went upstairs and went to Jessie's room.

"Knock knock." I said tapping on her door. Then I walked in and saw her on her phone.

"How popular are we?" I asked her sitting down on her bed.

"Pretty famous. I think my phone is going to explode. People who haven't talked to me since elementary school are calling me asking me if they can meet Justin or you. I mean it's ridiculous!" She said exasperatedly.

"Hey! Justin's coming over today. What if we all go out and get new phone numbers? It'll make life a whole lot easier." I said shaking my head.

"Please!" She said.

"Are you seriously going to look like that when he visits? You look gross." She said looking me over.

"I don't care! He should love me for who I am. Plus, I'm way to lazy to change." I said. Honestly, I didn't care if he saw me like this or in any other way. This was just how I was.
*few hours later*
I head the doorbell ring and got off the couch to go open the door. Jessie and I had been watching a movie and eating some ice cream and I had some all over my face because Jessie had smacked my hand when I was taking a bite.

"Hey! Oh sorry!" I said letting him in and going to wipe my mouth.

"Hmm. You have something on your lips. Let me get that for you." He leaned in and kissed me.

"Get a room!" Jessie yelled from the couch.

"Jealous!" I yelled back and kissed Justin again.

"Jackie? Is someone at the door?" My dad yelled.

"Get ready." I whispered under my breath.

"Baby I'm always ready." He said smirking.

"Shut up!" I said kicking him. My dad came down the stairs.

"Oh! Well if it isn't Justin Bieber himself! I'm Max, Jackie's dad." He said coming over and shaking Justin's hand.

"Nice to meet you sir." He said smiling. Then my mom came downstairs with a camera. She took a picture of everyone.

"MOM! Stop it! I'm so sorry she's weird." I said shaking my head. She took a few more pictures.

"Hmm. Maybe that's where you get it from." He said laughing. Dad laughed and gave him a high five.

"Jackie, I like this one!" He said.

"Glad to hear it sir." Justin said. My mom took a few more pictures and then I had to drag Justin away form our parents and to the couch.

"Hey Jackie, by the way, great outfit! Is it designer?" Jessie said. I threw a pillow at her and told her to shut up.

"Justin can you take me and Jessie to get new phones? We need new numbers." I asked him.

"Sure. We can go now." He said getting up. I reached out my hand and he pulled me up.

"Let's go Jessie." I said. I hope this solved a bunch of problems for everyone.

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