Chapter one: Cold feet

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This is an introduction to who you are, skip to the second * * * if you cant be bothered reading, cause I know I sometimes can't be. The end is where main-man Hubert is introduced.

Location: Castle Ranlord, the largest attraction in Yegin, Nestra's capital city.

The Kingdom of Nestra is only a day's trip away on a boat and is known for it's neutral beliefs in religion. The monarchy being the rulers and a law stating any person can claim a ranking no matter what background. However, despite all of this, their King: King Indulf, has a sceptical grudge for the Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Rhea.

King Indulf also has two refined children that, despite their power, are reasonably down-to-earth.  Prince Ernest and Princess ___, both close in age, with Prince Ernest being Sixteen and Princess ___ being Nineteen. Everyone in Nestra knew of their Royals' power, loyalty and generosity, many adoring their younger prince and respecting their future Queen. Which brings us to the top floor of Castle Ranlord, part of the East wing and also commonly known as the Crown princesses' chambers.  If you were to have eyes like a hawk, you could see her famously stunning face looking out across a Yegin covered in a blanket of snow.

"Your Highness, the carriage is waiting at the drawbridge." A middle aged guard, face covered with a silver helmet, took one last brown case from the circular red rug in the middle of ___'s room and began to head out. Not giving time for the lady of the hour to respond.

A sigh was released from her previously pursed lips, breath visible in the cold air. This would be her last time on this balcony for at least a year and she intended on taking in every last breath-taking view there was.

"Coming." She whispered, only for herself to hear as she was once again alone. Taking in one last glance, ___ padded into her room and snatched the black gloves with white accents off the neatly presented dressing table, sliding them onto the hands that would soon be slaughtering many.

* * *

POV changed to your own.

To say the journey was long would be an understatement, Ernest was supposed to accompany you, but now it was only you and your trusty retainer-Henry. A young man of many talents, the main one being a merciless killer and loyal protector to his Princess...Although with this came his ridiculous sense of humour.

"I hope they don't try to convert us." Henry gawked out of his small window, after two horseback journeys and one boat trip they had finally reached Garreg Mach Monastery. Their home and Educational system for the year, another part of King Indulf's crazy plan that his kids had to see through.

"They know who we are, Henry. There will be no converting." You snorted, you too began to stare up at the monastery built in the mountains, it's pointed blue roofs blending in with the icy sky.

"That must be one fortress. I don't know what his Majesty's plans are, but trying to take this place in a war would be hell." Henry's grey eyes shifted to look at your own, you only kept staring, leaning over the tall joker to grasp a fuller view of the building.

"I doubt it would come to that, but I hope not, me and you would most likely be on the front lines." you groaned at the thought of trying to capture this place through command from your Father. But before Henry could slip another comment in; the fine carriage came to a sharp halt, jolting you forward and nearly into the window inches before your face.

"Nearly got ya there, Ma'm!" The door forcefully swung open, with you still hovering over Henry, a sight many would hold a misinterpretation about.

"Yes." You replied curtly, pulling yourself together in one swift movement. "I'm guessing the rest is on foot?"

"Correct, one of their staff members will take yer bags...But apart from that, me horsey can't take ya up that trek!" The old man fixed his ripped green cap and moved out of the way to let Henry jump out, reaching his pale hand out to aid you.

"Thank you." You took his hand and stepped out, as soon as all the bags were off, the old man and his 'horsey' were off North. Leaving you both there alone.

"Well this will be a ball of joy, won't it?" Henry sighed, his fawn coloured hair softly blowing in the wind. You didn't answer as you knew it would edge him on to complain more. In total, there were about three miles worth of stairs to climb in the wonderful snow. If either of you fell, it would be the end of one of your limbs for six weeks.

I won't tell you about the climb up them stairs, it would only bore you. But what I will tell you is that at the top, there was a group of young individuals anxiously awaiting their arrivals.

* * * -HERE

Three rowdy groups of youthful students were gathered in the small grass area outside their classrooms, each professor chatting together in suspense. Sure, they had Petra from Brigid but she was with Edelgard, she was safe and well-known. They were awaiting a Crown princess today and a Prince tomorrow. A sign of 'peace' and 'loyalty' apparently, it was fooling most; but not Hubert and his Empress-to-be.

They stood waiting together in silence. A red headed boy and a brown haired girl gossiping loudly beside them left them no quiet space to discuss their opinions on the newcomers who had apparently reached the marketplace not too long ago.

As if their minds were read, gasps bubbled up, the whispering and murmurs got louder as the double doors ahead opened and many individuals, Rhea and Seteth included, gracefully walked out in all their glory.

There were guards dressed in finely crafted black armour, Hubert guessed they were from Nestra, yet his green eyes could see no 'Princess' alongside them. Just a tall, pale, fawn haired guy- perhaps a year or two older than himself; leading them and chatting up the Archbishop and her sickening strict companion. Perhaps they sent the prince early? No. He was said to be Sixteen years of age and this man may have looked young for his age, but Hubert could tell he's held a few drinks in his life before.

"Where do you think the Princess is?" Edelgard peered up at the black haired individual, he was much taller than her so perhaps he could have seen something she didn't.

"Not sure, your highness. It seems to just be one measly spokesperson of some sort and a few knights." Hubert's words snapped out from his harsh tongue into the crisp winter air, his breath visible to them both like smoke.

Neither Princess nor servant were satisfied not knowing where their supposedly new classmate was wondering. So, they slowly slipped away into the shadows to do their own digging.


Woah this be my first time writing a story based on Hubert. I hope you enjoy, I'll try and update often!

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