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The next day I didn't head back to my room.

Instead I stayed in the guest room all day and had Dina tell him I wasn't feeling well- which wasn't a total lie- so he could leave. Of course he put up a fight and barged into the room but I pretended to be asleep.

He left after getting a phone call that Dina said seemed to be important and said he would be back but he never was.

Not that I wanted him to be anyways. I mean I did but it was better for me that he didn't.

Then just like that, he was gone. He hadn't called or came by the house. Sometimes I would glance at his mother's house across the street but his truck was never in sight.

Another week had passed with no communication between him and I and although I was worried I had managed to convince myself that he must've been busy with school.

I shouldn't have cared but I did. I wanted to call him but I didn't.

Although I wasn't sleeping well without him I managed to busy myself with other things that tired me out so much during the day that by the time I got home I wouldn't have time to think only sleep.

I started my end of year project, waited for my college acceptances letters, and even started spending more time with my dad. Sometimes when I saw the twins they would ask about him but I had no idea what to say just I kept telling them he'll come next time but he never did. I know my dad wanted to ask what happened but he was scared too.

After 3 weeks of no communication from him, I figured our agreement was done. I stopped checking for his truck and whenever I saw Marco and Dina together I didn't have the urge to ask where Alec was anymore and surprisingly neither one of them brung him up either.

It was now Saturday night and they were out on a date. I, on the otherhand, was craving cinnamon pretzels and after a long debate with myself I decided I was going to go get some.

I pulled on some tights, one of Alec's large sweatshirts and grabbed my crocs. It was the middle of April and the weather was getting warmer so I decided against a jacket. As I drove I laughed to myself while the radio played in the background.

It was 8pm and instead of out partying I was driving to Auntie Annie's with my hair all tangled in what was supposed to be a bun on the top of my head.

After a 15 minute drive I was at the cash register ordering and paying for the food. As I was waiting I hear someone say my name.

Turning around I notice Carter in sweatpants and a sweatshirt that looked just like mine. I was confused at first before remembering they go to the same school so of course they have the same sweatshirts.

After he ordered, we sat down at a booth and talked as our orders were being made. In the middle of the conversation he looks at his watch and says "Leave it up to you to be getting pretzels at this time of night." I laugh.

Ever since the memorial service him and I have been on good terms. We weren't friends but I didn't hate him anymore.

"Says the one who is here at this time of night too. Besides D went out on a date tonight and my mom had a double shift at the hospital." I say.

"What about your boyfriend?" He says and before I have time to answer our order numbers are called.

We both grab our bags and head out of the store and in the middle of me laughing about a joke Carter said my eyes unfortunately lock with a pair of green ones.

My smile dropped when we made eye contact. His eyes were on mine and a unreadable emotion passed through them.

He looked drunk and sad, if I was being honest.

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