Where Are We Going

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A Prologue


Pharm had a breakdown after meeting his relatives. He stayed in the hospital for a few days and we visited him once. We didn't stay for long since it was a school week and he was discharged before the weekend came.

He looked pale but not weak. There was still a sliver of strength in him. Enough to hold on and move on with what could be left to fight for. He looked lost but there was a willingness in him to be found again. I hoped that he does find the signs to follow during this crossroad that he's in. And I hoped that he finds his way back to us.

While he was recuperating, our lives went on just as any others would. We buried ourselves in studying and completing our school requirements. I had Manaow to turn to as a study buddy. She turns out to be a great tutor. Guiding me on what's next and what to do. I never thought that she has this talent.

Without Manaow, I had Hia as a support during my reviews. Our get together weren't much. Nothing intense and nothing more sexual. I didn't mind the lack of tension. I was beginning to be more of at ease by his side. He teases me from time to time but it just ends there and we focus at the task on hand which is studying.

"Do I just have to follow this?", I asked Manaow.

"Yes.", her short confirmation as she went back to her phone.

I noticed Pharm approach us and sat beside me. He brought us another dessert and Manaow was surprised he found the time knowing that we had a lot of assignments piled up since we're nearing to the end of the second term.

I didn't mind his consistency at all. It's not about the thought of getting free desserts, but it was more about Pharm being the same. This is still his way of holding on. Falling into the pattern of familiarity just to find his way back to us. It is his way of coping and I'm glad he's fighting back.

 It is his way of coping and I'm glad he's fighting back

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"Did you have a fight with P'Dean?", I asked him.

Pharm grew silent. I knew he was trying to find the best answer not to worry us. Even I am not eager to share with them about us and Hia. I wanted to avoid this types of confrontations with my friends if things aren't going right with us. I haven't really thought or found time to tell them.

He just went on that he was stressed with the upcoming tests and had trouble sleeping. I perfectly knew what he meant and that gave me an idea that they are indeed having troubles with their relationship. They are certainly deciding if they should continue or not. I didn't say anything but I understood. I had that same excuse. An excuse that brought me and Hia closer than before.

 An excuse that brought me and Hia closer than before

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