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"Speaks Law Firm, this is Avalon, how may I help you?," I greeted as I answered the phone on my desk.

"Avalon, can you bring me the cases I have for Monday? I want your help going over them since you won't be here," Mr. Irwin requested.

"Absolutely sir, I will be right there," I smiled before I hung up the phone.

I know he said for Monday, but I pulled all of the cases for next week since I won't be here for any of it. I'll be out of town for ten days for my birthday. My heels clicked along the tile floor as I walked back into his office. My desk was close to his office door, considering I am his assistant, but I enjoyed this job. This job has nothing to do with my future career and that's okay, it's fun for now.

"Alright, I brought the case files for all week so we can go over them, but you'll be able to call my cell phone if you need anything while I'm gone," I smiled at Mr. Irwin as I stood in front of his desk.

"Thank you Avalon, I don't know what I would do without you," Mr. Irwin thanked me, "but I don't want to bother you while you're out of town. You're going to celebrate your birthday."

"I know sir, but I don't mind, and my birthday isn't until the weekend. If I can help you out over the phone or from my laptop then I will happily do that while I'm in Raleigh," I insisted.

"And when you get back, you'll be twenty-one, correct?" Mr. Irwin asked.

"Yes sir, I will be, that's what I get for graduating early," I giggled, "it makes me a late bloomer by default."

"No I don't think so," Mr. Irwin smiled, "but since you'll be of age to come out with me and some friends after you get back. I promise you'll enjoy yourself. Consider it my birthday gift to you, the promise of a great night."

"Okay," I agree, "I can agree to one night."

"You say that now, but one night out with us and you won't hesitate to say yes to come out again," Mr. Irwin smirked, "plus then my friends will stop coming by the office to stare at my attractive assistant."

My jaw dropped at his words, but I smiled and shook my head as I opened my notes about the cases for this week. Mr. Irwin and I strictly have a work relationship but I've known him for a long time so there's always some harmless flirting between us. We'd never cross that line, no matter how hot he was.

"So on Monday your first case is in the defense of Leon Edwards," I read from my notes, "he's being sued by his ex girlfriend for defamation. She has no case though. She cheated on him and then proceeded to destroy his home. She didn't leave a single item in that home not completely destroyed and then she took off with his dog."

"What a bitch," Mr. Irwin scoffed, "not that I'm technically allowed to have that opinion, but seriously."

He flipped through the pages in the case file before he determined he had enough information from what we had worked on before today in order to win the case. We went through the rest of the week. I briefed him on each case and where he stood for each of them. I'm not a lawyer, and I never studied law but I've learned in my time working at the firm over the last few years what things mean and how the judicial system really works. Plus Mr. Irwin never failed to teach me or explain something to me that I didn't understand.

"Alright, I know you're going out of town tonight, so why don't you go ahead and leave. I can manage for the last hour of the day," Mr. Irwin smiled at me.

"Sir, that's okay, I'm only going two hours away," I protested.

"I know, but you've been working hard for me for years and you've never taken a day off or called in sick, you deserve this week," Mr. Irwin insisted.

"Are you sure?" I asked, "I really don't need to leave early."

"Ava, take my gratitude and my generosity, and go finish packing for your week away with your childhood best friend," Mr. Irwin laughed.

"Sir, don't you know me at all? I was fully packed days ago," I laughed.

"Of course you were, now go so I can watch you walk away and you can start your vacation a little early," Mr. Irwin insisted.

"I'll see you in a week sir, call if you need anything," I smiled.

"Does it have to be work related?" Mr. Irwin winked.

I laughed as I turned and walked out of his office, swaying my hips a little extra because I knew he was watching me. Like I said, harmless flirting.

"You're killing me Ava!" Mr. Irwin called after me playfully.

I laughed as I shut his office door behind me. I took a seat at my desk and began shutting everything down. I was filing away case files and packing up my bag when someone stopped in front of my desk.

"Hello Miss Montgomery," one of Mr. Irwin's friends smiled down at me.

"Hello Mr. Hemmings," I smiled at him, "Mr. Irwin is in his office."

"Thank you," he smiled down at me as he bit his lip slightly.

"Hope you don't mind, but I'll be out of town next week and Mr. Irwin invited me to come out with him and his friends when I get back," I smirked.

"I look forward to it," Mr. Hemmings spoke into my ear before he walked through the door to Mr. Irwin's office.

I finished packing up my bag and getting ready to go before I put my bag onto my shoulder and knocked on Mr. Irwin's office door. I waited for a response before I opened the door and stood right inside.

"Unless you need anything, I'm heading out now," I smiled at Mr. Irwin, feeling Mr. Hemmings' eyes trail down my bare legs.

"No, enjoy your week, Avalon," Mr. Irwin smiled at me.

"Thank you sir," I smiled as I turned to leave.

"Ava," Mr. Irwin caught my attention again, "happy birthday."

"Thank you," I smiled before I walked back to his office door to leave.

"God she's so hot," I heard Mr. Hemmings groan as I walked past my desk.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face and left the firm. I got out to my car and took a seat behind the wheel of my Cadillac. I unlocked my phone and started my driving playlist before I took off in the direction of my apartment. I've lived in this apartment since I was sixteen and I graduated from high school, and I love my apartment. I skipped two grades in middle school, making me graduate two years earlier than I was supposed to, but my parents were proud of me. Plus, its what made me and Jimmy so close and I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything.

After I got into my apartment, I went into my bedroom to change. I enjoy my job, but wearing skirts and dresses and heels everyday is not my vibe. I got dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans with some rips in the knees and a black crop top that had a long band to wrap around my waist and tie. I grabbed my leather jacket and put it on before tying my long dark red dyed hair into a pony tail. I already knew that I had everything I needed for my trip packed away, so I didn't bother checking my suitcase for the hundredth time. I grabbed my bags and left my apartment, saying goodbye to it for the week. Ten days, I get a whole ten days to spend with Jimmy. And we haven't had that kind of time since high school.

I sat back in my car and smiled brightly as I started to drive in the direction of Raleigh.


Hey y'all! So this is my new book and I want to shoutout sunnydayzzx because her book Stargazing is what gave me the initial inspiration to start this book. Credit goes to her for sparking my idea, and you guys should all go check out her books because I adore them.
Hope you enjoy!
Xx Carrie

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