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"Ready to go, beautiful?" Karl asked as I was sipping up my bag.

"Yes," I smiled.

He grabbed onto my hand and intertwined our fingers, swaying our arms slightly as we left home to go to the warehouse. The boys have to film today. Something about a trivia tournament. I don't know, I don't usually ask what they're up to. I probably don't want to know most of the time.

When we got to the warehouse, the boys were all running around getting things set up. Honestly, it was kind of a funny sight. I love these guys, and they are never ever serious, but they can pretend sometimes for the sake of the channel. Well I shouldn't say never serious, because they can be when they need to be. It's just not often.

"Whatcha doing?" Chris asked as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"I'm about to do my math homework," I explained, "I've got a few assignments left for this week."

"Gross," Chris laughed, "this weekend, once you're here for good and you don't have to go back to Wilmington for work, Katie wants you to come over and spend the day with us and Tucker."

"Just Katie? You don't want me to come over?" I asked.

"No, I do too, but Katie suggested this weekend. Plus I think your godson would like to get to see you more," Chris smiled.

"Wait, what?" I pouted.

"When we had Tucker, you were the first person we thought of to be his godmother, but you didn't live here and we knew you'd be sad not getting to see him all the time, so we decided not to ask someone to be his godmother. But you do live here now, and we'd love for you to be Tucker's godmother," Chris smiled, "and Katie will probably get mad at me for not thinking of a cuter way to ask."

"Oh my god," I sighed as I pulled Chris into a tight hug feeling like I could cry, "I love you."

"We love you too," Chris laughed, "is that a yes?"

"Are you joking? A million times yes," I laughed.

"Good, because we planned on you saying yes and this would be awkward if you said no," Chris chuckled as he pulled away from our hug, "so we'll see you this weekend?"

"Absolutely," I smiled.

Chris walked away as the boys started filming and I opened my homework. I liked being around while they film, and I prefer being behind the camera instead of in front of it. They're just such an intense beam of sunshine to watch and getting to see the shenanigans they get up to that don't even make it into the videos is one of my favorite things. I completely understand why Jimmy's channels have gotten so successful. Everyone can see how genuine and just hilarious they are, and people need more of that in their lives.

I was so consumed with working through triple integrals that I wasn't paying attention to the video they were filming, you know as it should be. But, I also overheard a question being asked to whoever was competing in this round that peaked my interest.

"Where in the human body is the patella?" Karl asked.

"The knee," I mumbled.

"Throat," George answered.

I nearly choked trying not to laugh at his answer. Where would he possibly think in the throat is your patella? It's a bone!

"What's so funny?" Jimmy asked as he sat next to me on the couch.

"George just said the patella is in your throat," I giggled, "the patella is the bone that creates the knee cap."

"You know, I bet you'd win this trivia challenge if you were competing," Jimmy smiled, "not only are you annoyingly smart, but you know a lot of useless facts."

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