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"You jump, I jump remember? I can't turn away without knowing you'll be alright, that's all I want."

Jack and Rose have one of the most genuine love stories in my opinion... even though she could have just moved the hell over on the door, but that's an entirely different argument to have I suppose. But honestly, Rose never cared about the lifestyle Jack lived, she fell in love with his genuine personality and how he wasn't afraid to be adventurous. He brought out her adventurous side and it changed how she lived the rest of her life. I just love fairytale kinds of love, it gives me hope.

It also makes me miss Karl. I always miss him when he's not around. He's only been back in Raleigh for a few days, and I feel like we're on different planets. We're not, but it feels like we are. Things just aren't the same when he's gone. It's like everything is duller. Colors, sounds, flavors, everything. My favorite pizza doesn't even taste the same as it did when he was here.

As if he could read my mind, I was pulled away from Jack and Rose's story by my phone ringing with a FaceTime. A picture of Karl's adorable face filled my screen and it made me look at the time for the first time in hours. Damn, it's already so late. I answered the call with a smile on my face.

"Hi beautiful," Karl smiled.

"Hi," I smiled back, "what are you up to?"

"I just finished streaming and I missed you," Karl explained with a cute little pout on his face.

"I miss you too," I sighed, "I was just thinking about how much I miss you actually."

"We'll see each other again soon, I promise," Karl assured me.

"I know, but I still miss you. Things are just so different when you're not here," I shrugged.

"I know baby, it's all different for me too," Karl looked at me sadly, "I'm trying to get someone to replace me this weekend so I can come back to see you."

"Don't do that," I insisted, "the fans love seeing you in videos, and they'll miss you if you don't go."

"But I miss you," Karl pouted.

"And I miss you. Plus if you ditch the guys for me, you have no control over what they say as the reason why you aren't in the video and I don't think we want that," I reasoned, "and you'll have fun filming this weekend."

"But I would have more fun with you," Karl countered.

"Strong possibility, but you'll see me soon enough. You should go film, you'll have fun."

"Okay," Karl agreed, "I'll go but next weekend I'm going to come see you."

"Deal," I smiled.

I turned off my TV and brought my phone up to my bedroom with me so I could get ready for bed. I was tired, but the only thing on my mind was Karl.

"What are you going to do this weekend?" Karl asked.

"I don't know, probably go surf," I shrugged, having no plans, "I have no plans so most likely surf and watch some movies or something."

"Will you still teach me to surf?"

"Of course I will," I smiled, "what are you doing for the rest of the night?"

"Nothing, I figured that since I can't actually sleep next to you, I can at least talk to you while I fall asleep," Karl shrugged embarrassed.

"I like that idea," I smiled.

I set my phone down and quickly changed into the big t-shirt I had sleeping in all week and some leggings. I knew I would still get cold tonight, but I get cold every night unless I'm sleeping next to Karl. He's just like my own personal source of heat and I've never slept better than being next to him. I don't think I will ever sleep better than I do with him.

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