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I woke up to a loud knocking coming from my front door. God, why must you punish me for acting my age for once? I thought as I felt my head pound. I quickly covered my body with a hoodie and some shorts that were sitting around my room. I walked down to my front door and unlocked it, pulling it open finding no one. What the hell? I was about to turn around and go back inside when something on the ground caught my eye.

A cardboard cup carrier was sitting directly in front of my front door. I bent down and picked it up, bringing it inside and sitting on my couch.

Good morning Ava, hopefully this helps with the hangover. Call me when you wake up. -Karl

There was a large coffee in the carrier, a coffee ordered just the way I like it, accompanied by a large bottle of water, a bottle of headache medicine, and a thing of orange juice. How did he know I have a hangover?

I took a long drink of the coffee and felt slight relief from the pounding in my head. So I guess I have to call him. Will he even answer me this time?

I brought the drinks up to my room and took a few minutes to clean myself up: taking off my makeup and brushing through my hair before I put it up into a ponytail. I didn't bother changing my clothes, I was comfortable for now. At least comfortable enough for doing nothing but sitting at home.

I grabbed my phone and slowly dialed Karl's number. The note says to call him so I'm going to, I don't want to ignore him. But what was the point?

"Good morning," Karl's happy voice filled my ears as he answered the call.

"Good morning," I mumbled back surprised, "I didn't think you'd answer."

"I promised we'd talk in the morning," Karl laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Ava, you called me last night," Karl explained.

"I what?" I panicked.

"You don't remember calling me?" Karl asked.

"No, the last thing I remember from last night is my eighth shot of tequila," I admit, "and that was at probably like ten o'clock."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't even consider that you might not remember calling me," Karl laughed, "well how are you feeling?"

"Better now," I smiled, "thank you for the care package."

"Of course," Karl assured, "are you sore or anything? When we were on the phone last night, you fell over."

"Oh god," I groaned, "no I'm not sore. I'm so sorry for whatever I said on the phone and I'm sorry for calling so late."

"Don't be sorry, I actually really enjoyed talking to you," Karl promised, "felt like talking to you on the island when we were the only two awake."

"What did we talk about last night?" I asked apprehensively, worried for the answer.

"Well, I made sure you checked that your door was locked and you were home safe, and then we said some things about the week you were here, and then you told me that you miss me and I said I miss you too," Karl explained carefully, "and then we said goodnight and I told you to sleep well and you said you usually don't because you have nightmares, but you wouldn't tell me what they were about. And then you fell asleep and I made sure I could tell you were fully sleeping before I hung up."

"Wow," I whispered, taking in everything he told me, "what did we say about the week I was there?"

"Well, uh," Karl hesitated.

"We already talked about it once," I smiled at his hesitation.

"I know," Karl laughed, "it should be easier to say it all again."

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