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"Y'all really want to meet my friends?" I asked as I looked at the line of cars parked outside of the warehouse.

"Of course we do," Ashton laughed.

They didn't know I was coming, and I have no idea what they're up to inside. Hopefully it's nothing too weird.

I sighed and walked into the warehouse, knowing there had to be a bunch of people here because of the amount of cars outside. I led the guys into the main room and saw a big set up. Whatever they were filming, it was big.

"Let's reveal the secret!" Jimmy exclaimed as he turned to face the garage door and open it.

"That's my car!" Karl yelled.

"What are they doing?" Luke asked me.

"I have no idea," I laughed, "I have a feeling Karl won't have a car to drive home tonight though."

"I need to tell my roommates to stop letting you guys come over!" Karl exclaimed.

Chris parked Karl's car in the room, while Jimmy was giving the four guys standing around Jimmy's diamond play button instructions for what they were about to do. I watched as they each took turns bashing bats and pick axes into Karl's car.

"Karl how do you feel about this?" Tareq asked Karl.

"Honestly, this car low key sucks so I wanna..." Karl cut himself off when he finally looked over at where I was standing.

Immediately, he maneuvered through the set and ran right to me, throwing his arms around my waist. He hugged onto me probably tighter than he ever has, lifting me off the ground slightly.

"What are you doing here? It's the middle of the week," Karl mumbled into my neck as he hugged me.

"Long story," I laughed, "but Ashton and his friends wanted to meet Jimmy and the guys. Why did they just destroy your car?"

"As long as I get a new one, I don't care," Karl laughed, "so you have to go back tonight?"

"I do, but I'll be back on Friday," I assured him, "you have filming to do, I'll be here when you guys are done."

"They can manage without me," Karl hugged onto me even tighter.

"Shut up," I laughed, "go. Jimmy will fire you."

"No he won't," Karl laughed.

"Yeah, you're right, but go film. Go back to whatever you were saying to Tareq and I'll be here," I promised.

"Don't move," Karl warned me as he finally started to walk away from me.

"I won't," I laughed, "go film."

Karl walked back to where he was standing with Tareq and went back to talking to the camera, looking completely flustered and distracted.

"That was pretty boy," Ashton smirked at Luke and Calum.

"Stop calling him that," I groaned.

"Never," Ashton laughed.

I rolled my eyes as I watched the guys work for a little bit longer until they took a break to go into a time lapse. Right away, Chris and Jimmy came up to me to hug me tightly. Not as tightly as Karl, but still tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Jimmy asked as he picked me up and spun me around.

"Wanted to introduce you to Ashton and his friends," I shrugged.

We broke away and Chris closed me in a quick, tight hug.

"Alright, guys this is my boss Ashton and his friends Luke, Calum and Michael. And this is Jimmy and Chris," I introduced them all to each other.

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