2. Prespectives

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"I really like you Udai-San." The boy in front of you confessed in the empty hallway.

With a straight face you responded, "I apologize, but I cannot return the feelings."

"I-I understand. You probably would rather date someone on your league." Immediately you felt the guilt of having to reject another person all wash away.

Whenever you rejected someone's feelings, they would usually assume you would rather date another volleyball player or think you rather want someone who's on your 'league' as they referred it to as.

And it annoyed you like heck.

"You mistaken me." With that one simple sentence you turned around opening the gym doors walking in hearing the volleyballs slam onto the ground already. Leaving him there in the hallway.

"Hey Y/N-chan! What's up with you being late? Let me guess, another confession?" Your teammate immediately guessed correct.

Halting in her movements with a volleyball in her hands. You nod at her.

It became a normal thing, boys halting you from your practices after school to confess. But every time, you couldn't help but feel sorry no matter how many times you endured it.

"Let's just get back to practice."


"Y/N-chan!" Snapping back into reality you flash your head up.

"Hurry up and over here!" Your teammate yells at you to quicken your speed.

How did I fall behind?

Catching up with your team you walk on the sidewalk besides one of your teammates, Nariyu.

"What percentage did you get for the math test today?" She starts up a conversation, looking at you waiting for a response.

"98% What about you?" You ask her, still looking ahead of you.

"Woah seriously? I got 76%...that test was really hard." Her voice low, hanging her head a bit indicating she was disappointed in herself.

"Hey," You call catching her attention, "You'll do better next time, our classes can be hard sometimes, it's alright." Calmly you spoke to her. Cheering up her mood.

"Thanks. How are you so smart? We're in class 6 and yet you get the highest scores. I'm surprised you're not in class 7." She spoke softly feeling better then she did a few seconds ago. Flattering people up was her thing.

"I wouldn't be able to handle class 7 right now. But I do want to make it in next year."

"I bet you can!"

Smiling sweetly at her at her kind words the two of you continued taking for the rest of the way until you reached your destined spot.

"Hey Y/N, Nariyu-chan!" Your Captain called attracting both your attention. "Hurry up and get inside."

Hurriedly you and Nariyu walked faster towards the opened doors of the place you were going to have your usual team dinners.

"Thank you," Thanking Mari for holding the door open for you both, you passed by her and sat down at the table with the rest of your team. Nariyu and Mari following from behind then seating on your right and left side.

After ordering your food Mari and you spoke to each other the rest of the time while the waitress moved onto the rest of the team's order.

Taking something out of her backpack she quickly pulled it out to in front of your face. A excited smile plastered in her lips.

"Look!" She shouted waving around what seemed like to be two tickets.

"What is it?" You asked staring at the two small rectangle pieces of paper.

"Tickets for Itchiyama Academy boy's volleyball game!"

Squinting your eyes at her, "Why do you wanna go to their game?" You questioned looking at the two tickets supposedly meant for you and her.

"Because! They have the number one male ace in Japan, and I heard he's pretty hot." You shot your eyes at her glaring.

"Is watching me not enough for you?" You gave her a annoyed face.

"Girlll," exaggerating the 'L' in girl. Pausing before continuing again, "This guy is like hot hot, or at least that's what I heard." Shrugging her shoulders at the thought.

"I just wanna see him play, and I heard their volleyball team is really good. It'll be funnnnn, just comeeeee." She pleaded.

You shook your head at the girl, "You know we both have better things to do."

She sighed at your response but nodded her head acceptingly. She knew that you were right, Interhigh was approaching soon and it was essential to focus on preparing for it.

And she also knew why you wanted to only focus on volleyball.

His voice playing in your head whenever you lost touch with volleyball.

"Love you too little ace."

Remembering his voice you smiled at the nickname he gave you when he found out you got the same position like he did in his high school days.

He was always so busy with his tight schedules due to college and his other interests. You could only remember snips of times when the two of you talked.

It felt like ages, but it never caused you to love him any less. He was your big brother, always there for you no matter what.

Others would find it annoying, or neglectful, but you looked at it differently. He wanted to carry out his own life with his own careers while also trying to help and guide you with yours.

So you didn't mind, you didn't mind he didn't talk to you for weeks at a time. Knowing he would always support you through your goals and dreams, was comforting enough.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now