22. Diamond

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For the rest of the day, you and Sakusa roamed around the mall, occasionally stopping at certain food joints and shops to look at clothing or anything else that interested you.

Right now you two were in an almost empty store, obviously Sakusa being the one to recommend going inside as it barely had people.

"What about this one?" You asked holding up a beautiful diamond necklace that held a single diamond in the middle.

It was a jewelry store, it held the finest diamond, gold, silver, any type of rock. Which explained why the store was almost empty, only a few people entering the store occasionally.

He shook his head again causing you to sigh for the last time. You've been in this store suggesting which necklace, earring, or rings to buy.

Sakusa rejecting almost everything you showed him saying they're ugly or too weird and complex.

There was a wedding in a month that was between your mother's best friend and her fiancé. You called her auntie as she was so close to the family, she was also best friends with the Miya's mother in their middle school days and Sakusa's father.

So it was essential you, Sakusa, and the twins were to come to this wedding.

So here you were in this jewelry store trying to find a perfect set to wear at the wedding. Although it was hard choosing jewelry with his picky taste.

It was your first time jewelry shopping in over a year so you needed someone to give you advice, obviously Sakusa not being the right choice in people.

"Do you not like any of these?" You asked again gesturing to your past picks only for him to shake his head once again to them.

You frowned at the boy but kept searching wanting to please him too but for what reason, you weren't sure. You could've just gotten one you liked even though he didn't, but you didn't.

His opinion mattered to you.

You were beginning to get frustrated not seeing anything else that really caught your attention in the store, until your eyes trailed across a certain necklace.

Almost skipping past it you held up a beautiful diamond necklace that twirled at the end around a single rose shaped diamond in the middle, a few smaller diamonds separated across the silver chain.

"This one looks perfect." You exclaimed catching his attention.

He looked at you before slowly averting his eyes to the diamond necklace you held. It shined in his eyes as well, he thought it was perfect.

But you being you, knew that it was too perfect. You checked the price tag to see that it was over three hundred dollars. Your eyes widening seeing the price you immediately put it down.

"Never mind, let's keep looking." You told him not wanting to spend that much money on a simple unnecessary accessory.

He was confused at first but didn't ask. Instead he waited for you to walk away before he grabbed the diamond necklace seeing what was wrong with it.

He then noticed the price tag, and being your best friend he already knew you wouldn't want to spend so much money on one singular object.

And as you picked out another jewelry set, he sneakily took the diamond necklace to the register without you seeing.

He found himself hiding the little box inside his pocket when you approached him.

"Kiyoomi, let's go now." You told him as you finished paying for a different diamond set that only cost one third of the diamond necklace from earlier.

He didn't know why he was doing this, why he cared so much.

But he nodded his head following you out the store, a little box in his pockets.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now