31. Invitation

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Halting in your steps you turned around to make eye contact with the exact person you didn't want to. Honestly, you didn't exactly know why you were ignoring him. After not seeing him for years again, it made you nervous again as last time it didn't end well.

"Alright." You responded rather calmly.

In his mind, he didn't know why he told you to. He should've been mad, upset, overwhelmed or anything else but calm after seeing you again after so many years. But all he could think was that, he broke his own promise.

[Warning! Spoilers!]•

Walking around behind the back of the group, Sakusa around in the front. You hanged your head low afraid of even looking at the man.

"Y/N?" Nariyu called your name from besides you.

Looking up, she had a worried expression on her face. Couldn't blame her though, you looked lonely and depressed.

"Yeah Nariyu?"

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked before bringing her right hand up to check your foreheads temperature.

Chuckling, you grabbed her wrist and brought her hand down before reassuring her. "I'm fine Nariyu, just a little cold."

You told her as you squeezed one arm with your left hand. It was a good excuse for this moment because it indeed was actually cold, finally realizing it as you said it out loud you mentally face palmed yourself.

But soon enough though, you were heading to the restaurant called, "Onigiri Miya" known to have one of the bests if not the best Onigiris.

But definitely had the best owner.

"Hurry up you two!" The familiar voice called out to you two, and looking up, you saw Osamu.

"Samu!" You called out running up to him.

"Y/N," He greeted you as you hugged him. "I'm happy to see you here." He told you smiling.

"Happy to be h- " You cut yourself off. "Happy to see you."

He arched his eyebrows for a second at your hesitation but didn't get to ask as Atsumu pulled you in the restaurant along with Nariyu. "You guys take so long for what?"

Rolling your eyes at him, "Did not,"

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."


"Shut up and go sit down." Osamu interrupted ordering as he entered his restaurant while closing the door.

Smirking at Atsumu feeling like you won the argument or whatever you wanna call it. You went to take your seat only to see two spots open. One between Bokuto and Sakiya and one next to Sakusa.

Why Bokuto and Sakiya sat one chair apart if they were just going to talk? No idea. But of course you were about to choose the one next to Sakiya but you already knew you were gonna third wheel their conversations the whole time. So instead, you sat between Sakusa and Mari.

She and Sakusa was talking a little before you came and sat in between them making their eyes to avert up to your figure and watched as you sat down.

Sakusa immediately looked to the other side.

"Mari can we switch?" You asked nudging her shoulder.

She looked at you for a second. "But he's your soulmate?"

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now