5. Explanation

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Her team was wild, wild but stabled all together because of their captain, Hasumi.

She was a prodigy at volleyball who shined through out her years. From her middle school days to now, her high school years. So of course you looked up to her, she was the perfect role model and an amazing player.

You played with and against her in the All-Japan Youth Intensive Training Camp during first years and this year before Nationals.

It was breath taking watching her play so up close. Her spikes were practically perfect, her movements smooth like a snake and her energy was crazy.

Her eyes were as fierce as tiger's. Her power strong as a lion, and her mental state when put in a tight position was perfect, it demonstrated just how a real captain should be. She knew how to handle a crowd, how to be confident.

Do I really need to point out that she's obviously one of the top three aces in the Nation? Number two to be exact.

And here she was once again, at Nationals from Itachiyama Institute, Tokyo's 1 Prefecture representative.

You couldn't compete with her, not in the closest way possible. It crushed you realizing that two years ago in middle school when your team played against her's.

The score was barely even close, her school Okojo Middle School vs Yako Junior High, your middle school. The score was twenty five to nineteen when they won the second round finishing off the match so quickly.

It was the first time your middle school team lost. After being undefeated the whole season, you lost for the first time against them.

And after playing with her in the training camp, she just confirmed how strong she actually was compared to you.

You never felt so little ever. But it pushed you into wanting to get stronger, to surpass her one day. Which only led to you pushing away your best friends from middle school, including Sakusa.

The same boy you ever liked ever since Atsumu introduced you two to each other.

But you couldn't say you regretted it, because you did improve. More then you thought you would've, but it still wasn't enough.


"When's your next game Y/N-kun?" Atsumu asked from besides you.

Your eyes glued onto Hasumi you didn't notice Atsumu's question. "In less then thirty minutes." Sakusa answered for you.

Hearing that you shook back into realization looking at Sakusa who stood on your left. "How did you know that?"

He glanced at you for a second before looking back down at the court. "You're playing against Miyagi Prefecture representatives. The 'Queens.'"

Recognizing that name you recalled watching them play last year in Nationals. They were a seeded team so they didn't have to play first rounds last year, probably this year as well just like your team.

"Thanks, I'll get going now then." You told them turning around walking away.

Atsumu, Osamu, and Sakusa watched you walk away and into the hallways. "She's kind of scary now." Atsumu commented.

Osamu nodded his head in agreement. "She definitely has a different aura from middle school."

Sakusa also noticed this from the second he saw you for the first time since you stopped talking to him and the twins after middle school. When he watched you play against his high school's girl volleyball team.

It was another win for his school against yours but, it was just another failure for you. He could tell you saw it as a competition, a competition that would only end badly.

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