32. Library

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Walking through the different sections, you couldn't find the book you were searching for. It's been an hour of you just searching through the books, occasionally liking some and picking them out to read later.

But still, couldn't find the book you wanted.

"Ready For Love... come on where are you?" You whispered to yourself while looking through the book titles.

Until, your eyes just came across it, barley almost skipping it you grabbed it. "Yes!" You whisper shouted to yourself while holding it in your hands.

The front cover was so beautiful, the sunset and the beach filled with huge rocks. It was one of your favorite books from high school.

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Holding it in your hands, you searched through more isles in hope of finding more books that would interest you.

The aesthetically pleasing library colors consuming your sight. The fresh smell of books that seemed ancient and delicate but yet strong and sturdy. The slight sun rays coming in through the windows causing a comforting aura to consume the area.

As you walked with the book in your hand, you unexpectedly felt a hard substance hit your body. Stumbling back you averted your eyes up to see, Sakusa.

"Kiyoomi?" You whispered out his name.

"No, I'm Sherlock."

Glaring at the man you lifted your book that dropped out of your hands from the ground. "So funny."

He smiled at your reaction. "Take a joke kid."

"Har Har."

He rolled his eyes.

Funny, the two of you just had met again for the first time a week ago and yet acted as close as ever.

"Take your mask off, it smells so nice in here." You told him closing your eyes as you took a breath of the fresh book smell.

He looked at you in a disgusted manner for a second before rolling his eyes again.

"Hey, keep rolling your eyes and it might get stuck back there." You spat out teasingly.

He glared at you before slightly opening his mask, revealing the rest of his face that was always hidden.

"I didn't actually think you were gonna-" You said as you watched him take a breath as soon as he opened his mask.

"Then why'd you tell me to?" He asked looking at you judgingly.

"I- forget about it." You told him looking away.

But you looked back, not wanting to take your eyes off of him for even a second longer. He was so ethereal.

The sun rays shining behind him, the aesthetically pleasing books as the background. He looked like he had just came out of a picture.

And the longer you stared, the more real he became.

"So handsome..." You mumbled to yourself.

His facial features more structured, his jawline sharper then ever which you thought was impossible. His now shorter, different cut hair hanging a little on his eye.

And how deep and dark his eyes looked, you could fall for them any time, any day. Your heart racing the longer you stared and thought.

"What did you say?" He asked not catching into your whisper.

"Nothing!" You spat out realizing what had just stumbled its way out of your lips.

"So, whatcha doing~" You asked trying to change the topic.

"Walking in a library."

"Doing what?"

"Looking through books."

"No I meant-"

"What did you mean?"

You looked at his now curious and yet calm eyes. It was obvious he was just in the library to get some peace and quiet while probably reading his usual volleyball related books.

"Ehhh nothing..." You said trailing off, looking away from his eyes.

The next thing you felt was a hand placed on your head and your head turning to Sakusa. "When you speak to me, look at me in the eyes."

It made you squeal inside hearing those words.

"My parents miss you, they said come visit." He told you taking his hand off your head.

Shaking your head out of the little daze you responded. "Oh yeah of course! I'll make room to visit them soon."

"No." He said strictly. "They're coming over this weekend, come to my house on Saturday."

Blinking you tried to remember your schedule. "Wait but I need to check in with my coach about plans, not to mention my scheduled I had and I also have to-"

But he cut you off. "Please?" Gently with a small frown he asked you, his eyes giving off a pleading look.

It melted your insides, "Okay, I'll work it out."

A smile then formed on his lips again.

"If you get on your knees and beg."

His smile instantly turning into a frown, a glare being sent your way once again.

"I'm just kidding Kiyoomi, relax." You told him chuckling.

He was fed up with that joke. He grabbed your waist and pushed you against the book shelf behind you, leaning in on your face, your breathing slightly hitched at his sudden movements.

"I never beg." He told you in a whisper very close to your ear.

Slightly biting your lip, you were stunned. But your face calmed down and gently, you smirked pushing him away from your ear to where you both faced face to face.

"You don't know that," You told him in a soft voice. "Maybe you just haven't met the right person to have to."

Raising an eyebrow at you, he slightly smirked. A hand against the wall and one just slightly around your waist not wanting to touch you too much.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

You looked up, acting like you were thinking. Slightly humming you answered his question. "Maybe, you just haven't met your top yet..." You whispered into his ear leaning in.

He smirked himself. "Darling, I am a top."

You returned to your normal speaking volume. "Yeah yeah, but don't expect to say that for too long."

He was bamboozled by your response. You became so confident and assertive of yourself after all these years. It kind of made him curious how further you would take it.

He himself, also became more confident you noticed.

"See you Saturday Kiyoomi." You said before pushing past him and walking away. Only your backside in view for him.

He watched as you walked away, smirking to himself. And as you turned the corner, he lifted up his mask, covering half his face once again.

"We'll see about that." He mumbled to himself while turning around walking to a different section of the library.


Let me know if you guys like this kinda stuff. 🧐😉😌

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