[Epilogue] Falling

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[Three years later]

Slowly, your eyes fluttered open. The dark room consuming your sight of vision as you yawned lifting yourself off of bed. Tired and exhausted having to get up so early for your game you looked over your side to see the bed empty. Squinting your eyes, you moved your hands to feel the empty bed space to check if what you were seeing was really true.


The deep raspy voice called for you from your bedrooms door way. Immediately you flashed your head turning around to see him there standing shirtless with only his grey sweatpants on. His beautifully toned hard abs on display for you.

"Stop staring." He remarked seeing your eyes wandering his body.

You rolled your eyes, "Can you blame me?"

He only chuckled at your response before sitting on the bed next to your side. "Are you ready?" He asked with his soothing calm voice.

"Of course I am," You replied smirking.

"That's my love."

Hearing him call you that made your heart flutter again. A blush coming up on your cheeks as you looked away shyly.

He only laughed at your reaction before grabbing your chin, turning your face back towards him smirking. "You get so easily flustered by me."

You scoffed at his words slapping his hand off your chin, "I'm still top I don't care." He only rolled his eyes at you before smiling again. "We'll find that out on our honeymoon, fiancé."

Hearing those words you lifted up your hand to see it was true. He had finally proposed to you after about three long years of waiting. Which in your opinion- way to long, but it is what you said years ago.

"Get up now sleepy head, we have to get ready for our games." He reminded you which you rolled your eyes in return.

"I got it Omiiii," You called him by the nickname Atsumu would always referred to him by which only resulted in him hitting you with a pillow from besides you.

"You, my love, don't call me that." He told you strictly before getting up and walking over to the bathroom of your shared bedroom.

For a second you didn't know what to do, you just laid there in bed for a while thinking about how your life has been with him for the past few years.

It all went by like an exciting book, every single thing you had to read carefully or else it wouldn't make much sense. Everything was pieced together carefully for it to have its final ending.

And before you knew it, sweat was pouring down your face, you celebrated with your team in the locker room after your win against Hasumi's team once again. And with more good news after telling them about the news of being engaged.

"Man, I thought he'd never ask you." Sakiya remarked seeing the beautiful diamond shine on your ring finger.

"Sakiya isn't wrong." Nariyu said as she tossed you a towel to wipe your sweat off with. "Don't put your ring on yet Y/N, take a shower first or else you'll ruin the pretty diamond."

You only chuckled, "I can't, I have to go to his game after I finish up here." You told her as you caught the towel, wiping your face and around your neck with it. "Well then don't just sit there, let's go!" Mari announced coming out of a stall already changed and dressed out of her uniform into her usual stylish clothing.

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