35. Lover

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"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

You asked staring up at the moon, the wind blowing through your hair as it blowed behind you. The dark starry night consuming the endless sky. The warm sand underneath your feet every step you took next to the ocean waters. Moments like these you cherished, they were perfect and delicate. Especially because, your love was besides you.

"Yes, it is."

He responded calmly, but he wasn't looking up at the moon. He was looking at you, and all your features from flaw to perfection. His heart pace beating faster and faster every second he spent admiring you.

Sometimes I forget how to breathe when I look at you. His thoughts consuming him. She's like the moon, a part of her was always hidden, but after she came into my life. She became my moon.

"You know a quote I heard of before?" You asked Sakusa before averting your attention to the vast ocean, stopping in your tracks. " 'You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf.' " You turned your head to Sakusa smiling.

"It reminds me of our story." You told him.

Unexpectedly, you never thought you would fall in love. It seemed like something that you never payed attention to in life. You loved your passion and never thought you'd love something more, and so did he.

Of course it never began smoothly though, there were a lot of difficulties and bumps included. It took a while for you both but eventually it worked out and it figured itself out. Because love never fails, so if it fails, you know it wasn't love.

He remembered a moment in time when he was alone with his cousin Komori, when he was at his lowest point and gave up on you.

"I love Volleyball & Volleyball only."

Komori only laughed at his statement.

"But she could change that fact."

And he was right, you did change that fact. You introduced him to love, something he never imagined he would need or want in life. If somebody told you two when you were in middle school, that you would end up together one day. The both of you would laugh, especially you, because you didn't know you would ever want love either.

You looked at Sakusa, his buttoned but opened almost sheer white shirt displaying his toned abs in the moonlight. The wind slightly blowing his wavy hair. He looked ethereal, like he belonged in a book or fairy tale somewhere. "Quit staring." He then told you squinting his eyes at you.

Biting your lip you looked away back to the clear sparkling ocean. Letting go of Sakusa's hand you stepped into the clear ocean water. Your almost sheer dress slightly getting wet, you took another step.

"Be careful." He told you from behind as you only kept stepping further into the ocean. "I don't want you to get sick."

The water now reaching almost above your thighs you turned around with a smile. "The waters warm, come in!" You waved your hand at him.

He hesitated for a moment seeing as though the ocean wasn't exactly, sanitary. But the bright gentle smile that was plastered on your face that was slightly covered by your hair that was being blown gently by the wind was alluring to him, so he stepped into the water. His white pants getting wet but he didn't care, he only wanted to get to you.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now