24. Ceremony

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Riding in the limousine with your mother, Akari, Sakusa's mother, Oshin, and Yui, the six of you were on the way to where the wedding was being held. The boys were already there as their limousine left earlier then yours.

"Hurry!" Yui cried out in excitement jumping out of the limousine.

"Alright sweetie, calm down." Akari tried calming her down as she climbed out of the limousine with the help of the driver. Her beautiful white wedding dress heavy on her fragile body.

"Mom, do you need help holding the flowers?" Oshin asked holding out her hand for the flowers, which Akari gave to her thankful as she held onto the ends of her dress not wanting to drag it on the sidewalks.

Getting out of the limousine, Oshin and Yui's face made an 'o' shape admiring you in the dress.

"Y/N-chan you look gorgeous!" Yui exclaimed out to you.

"So do you." You returned the compliment which made her blush.

Oshin the older one, who was probably older then you as well considering she's in her third years came up to you.

Retouching your hair, she placed one of your curled pieces on top of your shoulder in the front which hanged loosely next to your chest. "You look beautiful."


Akari being the bride, obviously went inside first. Osamu, Atsumu, Sakusa and your and their fathers already there dressed and waiting for your arrival.

"Oh my handsome husband!" Your mom called out to your dad approaching him giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"And my stunning wife." He complimented back.

Next Atsumu and Osamu approached Oshin and Yui, greeting them like gentlemen's should. Their parents coming into the room afterwards.

"Where's Y/N-kun?" Atsumu asked seeing you not come into the room yet, searching around asking his twin.

"I'm sure she'll come in soon." His mother reassured him.

Just then you came in last, your heels that matched your golden, red dress clicking on the floor as you walked inside.

Your hair blowed behind you as you came in, the wind instantly disappearing allowing your hair to rest nicely onto your shoulders as you entered.

His eyes averted to you, widening seeing your figure walk through the doors. Your face was glammed up with makeup, collar bone revealed with some cleavage from your chest as the dress hugged your body perfectly.

Everything put together wearing the diamond set you bought at the mall with him.

In his eyes, you looked perfect.

And as your eyes searched around the room looking for someone, it made contact with his.

His hands in his dress pants pocket, he wore a full black tux suit without a tie but a white buttoned shirt underneath making him look more hot.

He looked breath taking, your mind replaying the words 'hot' and 'handsome'.

Walking up to him with a smile on your face, he couldn't help but look you up and down, slowly biting his bottom lip.


Unable to make eye contact with you he just brought his right elbow out towards you. Gladly accepting it you hooked your arm with his, walking over to your parents along with Atsumu and Osamu.

Osamu was paired with Oshin and Atsumu with Yui. Oshin wore a lacy blue dress and Yui wore a dazzling purple dress.

Your mother then came up to each one of you giving you guys the matching flowers. It was kind of like a prom thing which you thought was weird but took it anyways as it was pretty.

You placed the red flower around your wrist, Sakusa putting his in his black tux pocket.

"You look pretty." He lowly spoke to you before the doors opened, the six of you walking in and taking your seats together.

The crowd was awed at the three pairs, thinking each of you made such handsome couples.

You saw Tenma up at the alter next to the groom and the rest of the groomsmen. He looked at you smiling sweetly, admiring how beautiful and mature his little sister became.

Then, the ceremony started. The bride coming out as soon as the music started, slowly taking each step with her arm around her father's.

Her hair neatly tied up into a tight bun, the vail around her face as she approached her soon to be husband.

As soon as he lifted the vail off her face he started crying, small tears rolling down his face seeing his beautiful wife the crowd laughed along with Akari.

And just as they finished their speeches, it was time for the vows.

"I do."


Seeing their marriage start off so happily already, it made you think about your future.

Would I be married one day?

Yeah. I will.

But I wonder who I'd be married to. You thought to yourself as you watched them run off the stage and runway making the audience cheer.

Sakusa was also thinking the same thing, he never imagined himself to ever get married one day or even have a significant other until he met you. He never looked at anyone else the same way he looked at you.

But then when you slowly left his life after middle school the thought came back, the emptiness.

Then here you were again, back in his life. And all of a sudden he started thinking about having a significant other again. About how he wanted to hold someone, kiss, and spend the rest of his life with a lover.

It really made him wonder, why does only she make me want a lover?

Every time you smiled, laughed, or even complimented him of such simple things. It made his heart flutter and pound so fast he often couldn't comprehend anything when it happened.

He felt as if he was floating on air when he was around you, like there was no one else in the world. It made him wish time went slower, so that he could cherish and print the memories in his mind.

He didn't know the answer to his own question, but he did know that you made him feel something else.

A feeling that was always only caused when being around you, it confused him, and made him frustrated at times even.

But seeing the married couple, being your date to the wedding. He looked at you in awe as you smiled widely looking at the groom and bride so happy.

It made him sure of one thing, that he was never going to let you leave his life again.

He couldn't risk you leaving his life permanently, he couldn't risk living without you. The thought made him shiver to the bone imagining not seeing you ever again.

He didn't know why, how could someone make him feel so many emotions at once.

Have you won my heart once again Udai Y/N?

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now