33. Dirty x Sincerity

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[Warning, nsfw]

"Did you shower?" Was the first thing he asked as he opened the doors to you.

With a straight face. "Yes." You responded.

"Who's at the door Kiyo-" Behind him appeared his father, a bright smile appearing on his lips. "Y/N!" He cheered out.

"Don't stand there, come in." He told you before pushing Sakusa out the way and letting you in himself.

Giving him a small thank you, you made your way to the well spaced living area. It was spotless, not one dust anywhere in sight, and not to mention everything was so neat and put into its own specific place.

"Kiyoomi's still a clean freak eh?" You said turning around to make contact with Sakusa. Him giving you a slight glare at your rhetorical question.

"Y/N is that you?" His mother then called from the kitchen.

"Nana!" You called out to her with the small nickname you gave her back then.

Making your way to the kitchen, it was a little messier as Sakusa's mother was cooking up something. "What are you making Nana?" You asked as she came up hugging you.

"Making dinner of course! How come you came so late for?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows holding your shoulders.

"Sorry Nana, I was caught up at practice." You apologized.

She gave you a sweet smile. "Oh no worries hun! Go sit down dinner will be ready shortly!" She told you waving you off.

"Mother please be careful with my marble." Sakusa said.

When you turned around to leave, he was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. His calm and collected, handsome face making your heart skip a beat. Don't even get me started on his black tight shirt that showed all his chest muscles and enchased his arm muscles.

"Oh be quiet Kiyoomi! It's perfectly fine." His mother exclaimed waving off the both of you now.

Back then it confused you how Sakusa became into his calm and collected, clean freak self when his mother was always excited and energetic and his father always messy.

But you shortly realized it came to be because he simply became familiar to his parents. And adapted to helping his mother clean after their father and his calm and collected state coming from his father.

"Y/N, Kiyoomi tells me you've taken Volleyball as a career path as well." He said as you came into the living room again. "Not to mention all the ads and posters I've seen about you when I leave my house." He then whispered slightly making it seem dramatic.

Laughing you sat next to him on the leather couch, talking about your career path and etc. Sakusa sat on another couch observing you, the T.V playing in the background.

In his mind, he was intrigued by you, from your personality, to your looks. Your soft, bouncy, thick hair moving around as you moved and talked. To your strong, well built body being a professional athlete.

And your beauty really struck him. The way your eyes glowed and sparkled every time you spoke. Your delicate but yet enhanced features that stuck out, making anyone be able to fall in love with you.

He smirked to himself. He couldn't wait until the two of you were alone.


"Goodbye mother, goodbye father." He yelled out. The two of you outside his house waving off his parents as they got into their car and took off into the sunset. But not before his mother gave you a wink.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now