25. Midnight

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It was already almost midnight, the wedding moved onto a beach house that was on top of a cliff, the huge ocean underneath it. The after party still going as the groom and bride played wedding games, danced and played loud music filling up the silent night.

"I'll be back in a bit Samu." You told Osamu as you walked away heading outside.

After everything you needed a breather, you needed to clear your head from the mixed emotions you felt towards Sakusa.

A sudden thought that appeared in your mind ever since you saw him. Did you still like him or was it just the past feelings lingering around?

Whatever it was, it drove you crazy.

Thinking about the scene when he wiped away your tears that starry night, it made you feel all fuzzy inside. His thumb brushing off your soft cheeks as he spoke those words that made your heart almost jump out of your chest.

"I might just go insane."

It definitely made you go insane.


"Where did Y/N-kun go?" Atsumu asked Osamu with the drink he got for you in hand.

"She went outside." He told him just when Sakusa walked up to them.

"Y/N went outside?" He asked restating the question, Osamu nodding his head gesturing over to a glass door that led to outside.

Sakusa looked over walking towards the door. Through the glass he saw you standing there against the railing looking over the mysterious ocean.

He stood there behind the doors watching you, debating if he should approach you or not. He wasn't sure of his feelings towards you, but he knew that something was happening. Something he couldn't explain just yet, but he needed to clear his head.

Taking a deep breath of air to calm his nerves, he opened the doors.

Hearing the sudden sound you looked towards the entrance of the doors to see him approaching you. His hair blowed slightly because of the wind, his tall well built body complimenting the suit making him look all so much more handsome causing you to bite your lips slightly unconsciously.


"Needed a breath of air too?" You asked as he stood by your side.

"Something like that." He told you putting his hands in his dress pants pockets.

There the two of you stood in silence. It wasn't awkward silence, not at all. It was calming, his presence made you feel safe and warm in a way, just the two of you gazing at the stars together. And slowly, clouds started to form, storm clouds.

"You know," You broke the silence.

"Sometimes I think about how my life would be if I never meant you." You told him which caused him to furrow his eyebrows at you.


You felt a rain drop fall on your shoulder but brushed it off.

"And it's strange because, when I do think about it. I seem to, not be able to think of anything." You said looking up at him. "I just see darkness."

"Literally!" You then suddenly exclaimed closing your eyes pointing at them.

Drip drip, you felt more drops fall onto your exposed collar bone.

He chuckled at your statement, you slightly giggling at yourself on how childish you must've seemed at the moment.

And for a second his breathing hitched, the wind blowing against your face causing an effect. The moonlight reflecting on your face creating a gentle aura around you.

It was new to him, this new aura you suddenly carried. It called out to him, making him soften up inside, melting at the sight of you so happy.

He was convinced you were the most beautiful person he's ever laid eyes on.

In that second he couldn't help it, he didn't even know he was going to say it as it left his lips so naturally.

"I still l-"

But he was shortly cut off by the rain.

At the same time, both of you looked up at the rain clouds that covered the beautiful night sky. Surprised seeing it pouring down so fast.

But even if it disrupted the moment you and Sakusa were having, you smiled up at the clouds as it rained all over your face.

"Hurry, let's get inside." You told him grabbing his hand while slightly carrying your dress up to be able to run faster.

He then realized what he was about to say. It confirmed it to him, how naturally it came off his lips.

I still love you Y/N.


[Extended Ending]

"Y/N! Kiyoomi! What happened?" Your parents asked seeing you and Sakusa drenched in water.

You laughed seeing their reaction, your mother bringing towels for you and Sakusa. "We were outside when it suddenly rained." You explained to her while drying your hair.

Sakusa continued. "It was her fault."

"Hey!" You shouted out elbowing him by the side. Him dodging it and laughing.

"Get back here!" You yelled after him as he ran away, a towel placed flat on his head as he was drying his hair.

Your parents and his watched as the two of you goofed around. Running and yelling at each other with towels in both your hands. Your dress and his tux still wet from the rain.

"So you like the last name Sakusa?"

Your mother flashed her head to look at Sakusa's father hitting him in the stomach earning a groan.

"Negativity, Begone!" She yelled out dramatically still in the pose.

Sakusa's mother laughed and so did your father, amused by the situation.

"What do you mean negativity!? Sakusa's a good last name!" Sakusa's father tried convincing your mother.

"Udai is the best! I will not allow this!" She argued back with her childhood best friend.

He chuckled at her words, "Well too bad because Sakusa's about to be in your family name."

Your mother dramatically gasped before lifting up her right hand once again. "You want another karate chop to the stomach?!"

Sakusa's father immediately started running away, your mother following after him with her hand still up. "You can't run forever!"

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now