20. Beg

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"Give it back!" He shouted, his arms crawling all over you trying to get the last precious Umeboshi.

"Never!" You shouted back sticking your tongue out blowing a raspberry.

Over summer break you spent almost every waking day with the Miyas and Sakusa. Sakusa was staying over at the Miyas for the whole summer break, allowing you to see him everyday.

Currently you were actually over at their house, Atsumu's and Osamu's mother bought packs of Umeboshi for the four of you to share and currently the last one was in your hands, Sakusa fighting for it.

"You already ate six Umeboshis!" He exclaimed slightly pouting.

"Then this'll be my seventh." You said about to take a bite right in front of him.

"Wait!" He called out stopping you from taking a bite.

"Nope, can't hear you!" You said.

"I'll do anything!" He exclaimed earning your attention.

Smirking you halted yourself from taking the bite. "If you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg!"

His face instantly becoming shocked by your words, he scoffed looking to the side while crossing his arms. "You can't make me."

"You're right." You admitted before finally taking a bite of the Umeboshi.

You saw his face immediately sadden, his pout now obvious making you feel guilty. So holding out the Umeboshi to him you offered it to let him take it.

"I don't want it anymore, you got your disgusting germs on it." He said eyeing you as if you were stupid.

"Then I'll take it." Osamu interrupted grabbing the last Umeboshi from your hand before putting the whole thing in his mouth.

"Tch." Sakusa glared at him.

You chuckled at his saddened and annoyed state before revealing the actual last Umeboshi from behind you. His eyes lit up seeing it and took it from your hand as you offered it to him.

As he ate his favorite food, you found yourself watching him eat it. Admiring his facial features and how his wavy hair hanged so gently against his face.

He saw that, "Stop staring creepo."

Tilting your head you ignored his remark. "You really have matured."

You caught him off guard. "What?"

"In middle school your facial features were much more...gentle?" You tried explaining. "You've become handsome."

He found himself slightly embarrassed at your compliment. He felt his heart flutter a little, beating faster then usual he looked away from you for the rest of the time as he finished his Umeboshi.

"Why don't you ever stare at me Y/N-kun?" Atsumu asked pouting while crossing his arms.

Looking over at him he glared at you, jealous that you were giving Sakusa more attention then him. "Can you blame me?" You remarked causing him to make a dramatic gasping sound.

"Did- did you just call me ugly?" He questioned feeling his heart break at your words.

You only laughed shaking your head, "You're the most beautiful boy ever Tsumu." Continuing, "But Osamu is prettier."

Osamu laughed only for Atsumu to throw a tissue at him. "Well I know my worth." He stated.

"You're worth something?" Osamu deadpanned once again making you burst into tears, Sakusa smiling along at the little scene.


"Why can't you just wait for one of them to come back?" Mari asked as she watched you climb the shelves on the isle trying to reach for a jar of Umeboshi.

"No I can't! I wanna surprise him with this." You told her as you stretched your arms out to the longest it could. Your fingers just barley brushing on the jar.

"But this isn't safe, it's best to ask a worker or just wait." Reina also tried reasoning with you only to be ignored.

"I almost got it, I just need to get a little bit higher." You told them stepping onto the next level of the shelf.

"I can't look." Reina said turning around convinced this was only going to end badly.

"You're gonna go splat on the floor like Humpty Dumpty." Mari then commented.

"I won't, relax!" You said as you finally managed to touch the jar of Umeboshi. "Yes!" You exclaimed feeling your hand get a hold of the jar.

Stupidly, you let go of your other hand that was holding yourself up against the isle wall to grab the other side of the jar. And slowly, you could feel yourself fall.

Oh no.

You felt your heart race as you fell backwards, closing your eyes ready for impact. But to your surprise you didn't feel your skull or back get cracked or broken.

Specially, splat, as Mari described.

Feeling a pair of hands under you, you opened your eyes to see Sakusa looking down at you as he held you in his arms in a bridal style.

"Tch." He let out eyeing you with the Umeboshi jar safely enclosed in your arms trying to hide it from him.

"Oh, hi." You let out.

"Is this some kind of drama? I could've sworn things like these only happened in dramas." You casually said climbing out of his hold getting back up onto your feet. Showcasing moments like these were normal for the two of you.

"You couldn't wait a few minutes for me to come back?" He asked raising an eyebrow questioning your common sense.

You scratched the back of your neck nervously, "Oops."

He blinked at your response dumbfounded. "You could've actually gotten hurt you idiot."

You only waved it off, "But I didn't! You were there to save me."

He only sighed at you watching you sneakily put the jar of Umeboshi gently into the car before pushing it away to the next isle. Reina following after you scolding you on how dangerous that was.

"What did you do to her?" Mari asked him.

He turned his attention to her confused, "What do you mean?"

She watched as you walked away with the cart before continuing, "I haven't seen her so genuinely jolly and carefree in a long time. She's- shes actually being childish and happy for once."

It was true, everyday you became more carefree, more expressive and comfortable. It felt like a piece of you that disappeared for such a long time finally got filled back when he came back into your life.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now