11. Failure

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Hasumi spiked the ball straight at Daiya, rolling off her arms and going behind her. The ball was just about to be out before Aiko managed to get it back into the air.

It was heading towards the very back of the court, "No way she's going to hit it from back there." Hasumi whispered to herself.

You smirked at yourself before running up to it and jumping, turning your body along with the ball spiking it with power to across the court onto the other side.

Hasumi's eyes widened seeing you pull off the exact thing she did earlier, diving for the ball only for it to bounce onto the net.

Luckily for her, her other teammate took it off the net from under. The ball going back into the air and onto the other side.

Kasumi and Temari cleared out of the way seeing the ball perfectly on the net for you. You jumped up spiking it again just from the net.

Of course they saw and blocked it on time, it went straight past you and unfortunately hit Mari's forehead.

But nether the less it played out. The ball was high into the air giving you enough time to shuffle backwards and go for another spike.

"It's mine!" You called out letting your teammates know you were going for it.

They only listened and watched you take flight. There was a clear view, a perfect opportunity to score the point. No blockers or receivers close or far enough in sight.

But it was too perfect, too good of an opportunity. And just as you spiked it, two pairs of hands came out of no where, Hasumi being one of them, they blocked you.

Your eyes widened as you made eye contact with Hasumi. Falling in slow motion, the ball fell right besides you, your teammates weren't ready for that sudden turn of events.

They didn't see the blockers, they only saw their dear vice captain and ace scoring the point to get their win.

And it fell. Daiya, Mari, and Aiko diving for it but only just a second too late.

The whistle blew, the scoring fifteen to thirteen. Itachiyama Institute taking the game and the win making it into finals.

"She blocked the Dragon Ace!"

"I never thought I would see the Dragon Ace get blocked."

The crowd whispered and cheered for their school. Hasumi's team cheering and celebrating their victory after long three rallys.

She truly was indeed, your rival.


"Sorry to send you home Udai-san." You heard a voice speak behind you from where you stood.

You were already late to the bus, all your teammates were outside waiting for you but for some reason you still decided to turn around and talk to her.

Turning around in the empty hallway, you saw her standing there tall and confident. "Hanawa-san."

She slightly smiled at you, "We've known each other for such a long time, why not Hasumi-chan?"

The little you, the person from middle school would be happy hearing that your role model just told you to call her by her first name.

But you weren't her anymore.

Squinting your eyes and tilting your head at her suggestion you ignored it, not seeing the need to act closer then you are. "I prefer addressing you as Hanawa-san." You told her.

She just smiled acceptingly. "Good enough I suppose."

Even though she wanted others to call her by her first name, she never really liked calling others by their first name. It's quite weird if you think about it. And it was a question you didn't know the answer to.

"I have to go now, but we'll see each other again Hanawa-san." You told her as you turned around walking towards the opened doors that led to your team that awaited you outside.

"Of course we will, we'll always meet again."

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now