3. Nationals

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Entering the huge building with your team, you saw multiple other teams on your way. Everyone who made it into nationals from all over Japan, girls and boys.

Walking through the hallways people looked at your team constantly. Eyeing one of the supposed 'Favorited Team' of Nationals, but you weren't intimidated. You could care less about these teams, you already had a target and a goal, the same one you've had for years.


A voice suddenly called out your name causing you to mentally jump inside a little. A voice you could recognize anywhere.

Turning around you saw the two boys you loved dearly. Knowing them since the first day of middle school when you were placed in the same class as them. They were your best friends, your brothers, family.

Smiling you opened your arms for them. And without hesitation they wrapped you in their arms squeezing you tightly.

"Glad to see you made it safely Y/N." Osamu said relieved releasing himself from the hug.

Chuckling at his kind words while releasing yourself from Atsumu's tight hold you replied, "You too Samu. It's great seeing you guys again."

He gave you a little smile in response, he missed your laugh, he missed you.

"Y/N-kun! How come you haven't spoken to us in such a long time!" Atsumu whined out.

Slightly smiling at the boy apologetically you responded, "I'm sorry Tsumu, I never meant to."

He sighed at your response but understood what you went through, "Whatever, I just missed you." He said brushing it off.

"Tsumu and I were about to go watch Itachiyama Institute's girl volleyball team play." Osamu mentioned, "Come with us?"

A bit hesitant you looked between the two boys. "Maybe later guys, I have to catch up with my team right now." You told them rejecting his offer.

Osamu simply nodded his head in response understanding. You were your team's vice captain after all, you couldn't just leave your team like that, you had responsibilities.

Atsumu on the other hand frowned with saddened eyes. "We haven't seen you in almost two years Y/N-kun, why not just come with us for a while?" He argued.

"I'll come later Tsumu, promise."

Holding out your hand you stretched your pinkie finger towards him. He smiled at your action before bringing out his own pinkie wrapping it around yours.

"You better keep it Y/N or I won't be able to hear the last of it." Osamu called out from behind him.


The volleyball floated up in the air landing straight to the other team's Libero before making it to their setter and #4, their ace.

Approaching the net you stood by Temari, your team's best middle blocker. She gave you a signal which you followed, waiting for her to give you that moment for the perfect timing to block the spike.

A second later you felt her tap on your hand, jumping up for the block with Temari right by your side at the exact same time, the spike suddenly turned into a cross spike. It completely dodged you two.

For a second you felt yourself panicking surprised at the sudden turn. But it didn't last long seeing Nariyu, your own Libero catching it but also causing her to stumble off the court in ridiculous speeds.

Ignoring it you carried on, the main focus was the ball. It flew in the air towards the middle of the court, you and Temari were both too far to reach it but luckily for your team, your setter was the best setter there was.

Mari stepped up perfectly on time, angling her set towards the front of the net.

Aiko, Sakiya, and you all ran up jumping for the ball. For a split second you saw how the other team panicked seeing all three of you jump for the ball at once.

Jumping into the air, you felt as if you grew Dragon wings. As if you were soaring through the middle of the court, you saw how the ball was tossed exactly up for you.

You had a clear view of the other side, you could see it perfectly as time went into slow motion. Although, it was soon covered with three sets of hands, but something like that couldn't stop the Dragon Ace, and it never will.

Spiking the ball with full power, it broke the blocker's wall and went straight past them onto the wooden floor in a flash.

The crowd was silent along with the other team and yours. It was a for sure block but you managed to break through it just like that.

And just a second after you landed back onto the court, the crowd roared. Whispers being said among them.

"Isn't she the Dragon Ace?"

"That's surely the Dragon Ace."

The other team panicked at what they just had witnessed. Frustrated at their own blockers and confused, they called a timeout on the first point.


[Extended Ending]

"Omi-kun! There you are." Atsumu shouted out attracting the attention of the ace.

Turning around he saw the boy walking his way. "Atsumu."

He then approached him. "Have you seen Y/N-kun?"

Sakusa shook his head. "I didn't know she already arrived."

Atsumu tilted his head. "Oh alright then, if you see her let her know I'm looking for her. And if you want, come watch your school's girl volleyball team with me and Osamu."

Sakusa nodded his head before watching as Atsumu left. He was having mixed emotions about you, should he try to find you? And even if he did, should he approach you?

It confused Sakusa a little, but decided you've been avoiding him for too long. He wasn't going to let you avoid him again for another full year.

"Kiyoomi, are you coming?" His cousin called out to him.

He looked over at Komori, "I'm coming, but tell the team to each put some sanitizer on before we do warmups please."

His cousin shook his head to himself rolling his eyes playfully. "Alright then, if it makes you feel better."

"It does."

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now