12. Appearance

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Walking side by side with Mari in your schools hallways, she blabbered by your side about random stuff as she always did.

"If you don't watch Banana Fish by next week I'll be on your throat." She threatened, her hands showing a strangling position.

Most likely what she would do to you if you didn't watch it.

"Okay okay, I'll try watching it on Monday."

"You always say that!" She slaps your back hard causing you to groan in pain.

"Shut up, I'll do it this time." Well aware you weren't going to.

It was the first week of school and the last day of school before spring break after your loss at Nationals. Your team did go far though, further then last year where your team got disqualified at quarter finals.

You felt disappointed in yourself, you weren't necessarily aiming to win Nationals but to defeat her and her team.

And losing once again to her was humiliating to you, you cut almost all your closest friends and loved ones to lose at the end?


Is what you thought of yourself. You trained yourself endlessly and tiredly for months at a time continuously to get such a disappointing result.

"Y/N, where are you going?" Mari asked catching your attention.

Looking up you saw the classroom door which you almost bumped into. And behind you was Mari staring at your clueless figure.

"Ah sorry, I was thinking about something." You excused yourself before opening the door to your classroom.

"Alright then," She eyed you weirdly before walking away to her own classroom, class 7.

As she walked away you entered your own to see Nariyu sat at your usual spot. "Y/N!" She called out.

Walking your way towards her you sat down next to her. "You aren't too upset are you?" She asked noticing your down mood.

Being the vice captain and ace of your team, you couldn't show any weaknesses. Not in front of your teammates. "Of course not."

She nodded her head in response, "We all did great, I'm glad where we placed this year." She told you with a smile on her face.

Seeing her spirit even after a loss it enlightened your own. You smiled at her words, she was right.

"And we'll win next year!" She announced to you cheerfully.


It was a beautiful spring day today. You were walking outside of your private school, Levina Ackah Academy to see Atsumu and Osamu waiting at the gates for you as usual.

You smiled at the sight of the two boys, they would come and wait for you to end your classes to walk home together just like in middle school how they would wait outside your classrooms.

And everyday since high school started they still would wait outside of your school gates hoping you'd finally come to them. Even though you went to a different high school, they made the effort to come walk you home.

But you never came out and walked home with them, you would usually just blend in the crowd that surrounded them and go home by yourself. The fact that they still waited for you though, it warmed your heart.

Finally, you decided that you'd start getting closer to them again. Walking up to them Osamu immediately took notice in your appearance first. His eyes widening at the sight of you.

"Y/N!" He called out to you walking your way and away from the crowd.

He hugged you tightly. "You finally came."

Atsumu noticed Osamu walking away from him looking over to see him hugging someone. Curious, he excused himself from the crowd of girls and walked over to him to see no other then the Udai Y/N.

"Y/N-kun!" He shouted pushing Osamu out of the way to hug you. "I thought you were going to sneak past us again." He told you finally relived to see you once again out of Nationals.

You felt guilty seeing how they already expected for you to sneak past them again but still they came to your school to wait for you having little hope you wouldn't everyday.

"I would never again Tsumu."

"I believe you! I mean look at me, would you really ignore this beauty?" He asked outlining his face with his hands.

Scoffing at his statement you noticed another figure approaching the three of you. "So you finally decided to show up huh Omi-kun?"

He rolled his eyes in return of Atsumu's comment, he had his hands in his jacket pockets with his usual mask on walking towards you guys.

"What's he doing here?" You asked confused by his sudden appearance. 

"Tsumu invited him over for spring break, he'll be spending time with us for the whole week." Osamu answered your question.

"Udai-san" He called out to you once he finally reached you.


[Extended Ending]

"You look really handsome today Sakusa-san." You complimented the boy, the sunlight reflecting on his face.

"How come you never compliment me?!" Atsumu said whining from your side. "It's always Omi-kun getting the attention when he's around!" He shouted out which made Sakusa groan and mumble underneath his breath.

"Shut up," He told Atsumu still walking.

You chuckled before turning to Atsumu. "Sorry Tsumu, you look handsome as always." You told him with a forced smile.

He glared at you seeing it and walked off. Osamu by your side smiling and slightly laughing at the scene. "What's that on your neck Y/N?" He asked pointing at you.

You looked over at your shoulder seeing a small bruise that formed near your neck. You brushed it off, "It's nothing Samu."

Atsumu heard this and came back, looking at your neck area he gasped. "Is that a hickey Y/N-kun?!"

Sakusa paused, looking behind him to see Osamu and Atsumu in shock looking at your neck. For a second he was slightly worried, and he felt his heart freeze.

"No no Tsumu! I'm telling you, it's just a bruise from practice." You explained to him. "Sakiya and Aiko were playing basketball while we waiting for Mari and it bounced off the rim and hit me."

Osamu made a 'o' face but Atsumu wasn't buying it. "It couldn't have made a bruise that bad though."

You looked at him embarrassed. "It happened more then once."

Sakusa saw your facial expression, your embarrassed flustered face. His heart calmed down, thinking to himself. Cute.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now