6. Underestimate

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*insert imaginary whistle sound cuz how to even spell one*

It was set point on the second set, twenty four to twenty. You couldn't say you weren't surprised, because you were.

You didn't expect the 'Queens' to be this challenging. They were fierce and aggressive the way they played. They had their team glued down and always ready.

Causing your team to almost lose the first set to them ending in a twenty five to twenty three. But nether the less you caught onto their rhythm and their way of moving by second set.

Their wing spiker #6 was the most aggressive which caused you to guess was their ace. But never the less, it didn't affect your team that much.

Your team was composed and well rounded, all your teammates moved in sync with one another at the same pace. And your captain Mari kept it all together, she was the main base of the team, making your team even more dangerous.

Every single one of your teammate specialized in one main position but still was efficient in any other positions. It was 'the' dream team as how some would describe it.

"You got it Y/N-chan." Your Libero Nariyu told you confidentially as you stepped up to serve.

As it was mentioned earlier, this was set point. The last point always mattered the most.

Hearing the whistle blow you tossed the ball up into the air. Running up to it you prepared yourself to jump and hit it just as you were taught.

And in a flash the ball was already on the other side of the net, laying on the wooden floor.

Gotta thank Trashykawa for that later.

Landing on your feet the score was now twenty five to twenty. Your team cheered at your successful jump serve which landed as an ace serve, going up to you to congratulate you.

Meanwhile up in the crowds Sakusa was carefully watching you play. The way you owned and took charge of the court so easily surprised him. It was the first time seeing you like this.

It made him realize how powerful your aura really was on the court compared to when you're not. And that's saying something considering the fact that off court, your aura was still strong enough to notice.

"WOOOO THATS MY BEST FRIEND!" Atsumu shouted from the railings causing for a few to stare at him in surprise.

"She really did turn scary." He then added back to his normal tone.

Osamu nodding his head agreeing to his twin's words once again. "Let's go congratulate her, she must be tired."

Sakusa followed after Atsumu and Osamu to your direction where your team and you had just gotten off the court and were packing up for the day.

"Way to represent Hyōgo Prefecture Y/N-kun!" Atsumu shouted while waving his hand in the air attracting your attention once again.

Your team also looked over at the three boys heading your way. They laughed at your embarrassed reaction to his way of congratulating you.

"Looks like you got company." Reina commented looking at the boy.

Shaking your head at her words you still smiled and waved slightly at Atsumu as he walked closer to you. "Thank you Tsumu." You said as he reached you.

"Are you excited for Quarter-Finals?" He asked excited for you himself.

You chuckled at his question. "Of course I am Tsumu, we are." You said referring to your team. "Right guys?"

Hearing your voice, the vice-captain of the team they cheered. "Heck's yeah!" Sakiya cheered the loudest.

Mari laughed at the team's reaction to your question. "Alright guys, get some rest. You all did well today, be prepared and well-rested for tomorrow's game."

Aiko stood straight and tall, bringing up her hand and saluted to Mari's words. "The team captain has spoken!" She said in a serious manner as if she was in the military which caused your team to laugh.

"Pack it up Aiko~" Reina teased hitting her lightly on the shoulder.

Tiredly, two out of three of your team's third-years, Orengi and Daiya were first to leave to go back to your guys hotel room, causing the rest of your team to follow after them.

Leaving you behind with the twins and Sakusa.

"Well what do you wanna do first Tsumu?" You asked the boy as you watched your team leave.

He gave you lazy smile. "I have a few suggestions."

As you were turning around to face him, he picked you up throwing you over his shoulder rushing away from Osamu and Sakusa.

"What are you doing Tsumu? Put me down!" You told him while covering your face embarrassed as you passed by multiple people in the hallway.

Before you knew it you were outside. He didn't even bother to place you back down gently, instead he dropped you carelessly on the grass earning a yelp from you while he stood up straight stretching his back.

"Is it just me or did you gain more weight?" He asked teasingly.

"Tch." You replied with standing up.

You could feel your bottom hurting, the pain now just appearing as you tried standing up straight.

"You could've just told me you wanted to go outside." You glared at him while brushing yourself off.

He shrugged his shoulders. "That wouldn't be fun now would it?"

But just a second later he yelled out an 'Ow' from your slap against his back.

"Y/N-kun!" He yelled out pouting while rubbing his back. "I swear that's going to leave a hand print, or even worse- scratch marks!"

You rolled your eyes. "Samu is my favorite from now on."

"Shut up! I know I'm your favorite!" He said pouting at your words.

"Nope, Samu is now." You argued back.

He denied your words once again. "I'm your favorite, and that's final." He stated before groaning again due to the pain on his back. Which probably will and is going to leave marks.

Bent over still rubbing his back, he sighed. "Well at least if anyone asks, I can say a girl gave it to me." He said smirking.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now