10. Realization

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It was the semi-finals, the third day of Nationals. And finally after all this time of waiting, you were going against Itachiyama Institute.

"Representing Hyōgo Prefecture, Levina Ackah Academy!" The announcer introduced your team.

You were aligned on the court across from Itachiyama, and right in front of you on the other side of the court stood her, Hasumi.

It definitely was going to be a difficult match considering this was semi-finals and it was no other then them who you were going against.

She wasn't a player to be taken lightly, not at all. If you were going to advance onto finals then you would have to fight like your life was on the line.


It was the third set, rally's being continuous and nonstop in the first two sets. It definitely tired both teams out to almost their limits.

Currently eleven to ten, ten being your team.


The whistle blew, the ball being tossed up into the air and onto your side of the court. You ran up to easily receiving it to Mari.

She prepared for a setter dump but it was blocked by their blockers. They were the type of blockers to only move once the setter tossed the ball, keeping a very close eye on it.

Reina dived for the ball as it fell besides Mari, and just in the split of time it landed right on her hand.

It bounced back up into the air which gave Mari enough time to bring it up higher. It floated in the air for a few seconds before Sakiya managed to land a spike with it.

Their blockers didn't have enough time to process the quick save your team just made and was only a second late to block her spike.

"YEAHHHH!" Sakiya yelled out feeling victorious of her spike.

Your whole team was tired and panting, just watching the first year with smiles on your faces as she got all excited and hyped up from that one spike.

She was aggressive and strong, she was the perfect making to be an ace if you weren't there.

Now being in the front row, Sakiya was next to serve. She did her usual aggressive jump serve that landed perfectly on the other team's line. An ace.

"YEAHHHHHHHH!" She yelled out even louder at her successful serve.

The other team was annoyed and frustrated, but Hasumi, her face was calm and serious. She wasn't affected at all like she knew she was going to win.

And when she made eye contact with you, it was like staring straight at a tiger. Her fierce eyes looked at your own, but you couldn't show you felt intimidated. One of her tactics you caught onto was that she would always intimidate her opponent for them to lose their cool.

So you brushed it off.

"Do it again Sakiya!" You shouted out to her which gave her a boost of confidence.

She jumped into the air serving the volleyball, it landed to Hasumi. She received it with ease to their setter.

Mari, Temari, and you prepared for a three person block seeing their other wing spiker jump for the ball. But in the back of the court was Hasumi, and she also jumped.

What seemed to be a spike from the net turned into a back row spike. When she hit the ball it zoomed right past your head, you could feel the volleyball right next to your cheek as you turned your head watching the ball go past you.

For a spike in the back row it was unexpectedly fast with a obvious amount of power as it bounced right off of Sakiya's hands when she tried to receive it.

"Are you alright Y/N-chan?" Temari asked you seeing a small red mark on your cheek from when the volleyball slightly rubbed your face.

You waved your hand at her signaling you were fine and to focus back onto the game. "AGHYGGH!" Sakiya yelled out in frustration.

"I'm sorry guys, I couldn't get the ball." She apologized, her shoulders all droopy and sad. Her once hyped energy quickly fading away.

Mari chuckled at her. "Sakiya it's no ones fault. Now stop looking down so much, volleyball is a sport where you look up."

That half cheered Sakiya up, "You got it Cap!"

The scoring was now tied twelve to twelve. And just before you knew it the scoring was fourteen to twelve.

If they were to gain one more point it would be all over, you couldn't let it happen.

Hasumi served the ball, it was fast and furious. It almost zoomed straight past the back row before Daiya dived into it. She stumbled off the court to retrieve it but it was worth it.

It went to Mari for a good set, Aiko, Temari, and Kasumi jumping up all at once towards the net for a spike.

Surprisingly Mari set it to Temari, which also surprised their blockers as they thought it would most likely go to Aiko.

It went into a cross spike, Hasumi barley managing to catch it, it slightly hit her head when she attempted to set it over to their setter.

Just then she along with their other wing spiker jumped. Daiya saw the ball incoming but reacted late, she got to the ball on time but the ferocity of the ball caused her to receive it to off the court.

"Chance ball!" They called out seeing you go for it.

But to their surprise you set it perfectly to Mari. "WHAT?" Hasumi yelled out.

Setting the ball to Mari, you fell in the process on top of the chairs. Stumbling to get back up and onto the court, but it went directly and perfectly to Mari as she jumped spiking and landing the point.

"She was able to keep the ball in play off the court and she isn't even one of her team's setters." Her teammate mentioned to Hasumi which only made her more furious.

"We'll get the point back." She spat out.

And inside, Hasumi was scared. Frightened that you'd catch up to her one day, and over power her.

It was the last thing she wanted.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now