14. Hardships

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For the past three days, the four of you practiced everyday noon to almost midnight.

Slowly over time you felt it getting easier to play with the boys. Needing less breaks, not getting tired as easily, and not to mention you were beginning to be able to block a lot of their spikes.

"You're improving day by day Y/N." Osamu told you smiling.

Wiping your sweat on your forehead off with your right hand you looked over at him. "Fun huh?"

"Let's start again." Sakusa said entering the court once again waiting for the three of you. "This time, Udai-san will spike."

Hearing that your face lit up. Continuously they've been helping you improve on your blocking skills and mind set to predict and wait. Never really getting into attacks such as spiking.

So of course you were overjoyed to hear that they would finally let you spike. "You heard him." Osamu smirked gesturing to the court.

Rushing over to the court with a volleyball in hand you stood on the other side of Sakusa waiting for Atsumu to hurry up and set the volleyball for you.

"Ready Y/N-kun?" Atsumu asked from besides you.

Nodding your head you backed up away from the net. Tossing the volleyball to Atsumu he set it perfectly up high in the air for you.

Running up to it you jumped high into the air, feeling the contact of your hand to the ball.

But immediately you got shut down, the volleyball landed besides your feet as you fell onto the ground. Sakusa and Osamu completely shut you out.

You felt that little fire in your heart lit up, you saw yourself at Nationals when you got shut down by Hasumi's and her teammate's block.

It completely crushed you, and Sakusa saw that. All three of them did.

"Again." You said picking up the volleyball and walking away from the net.

The joy you had felt just a minute ago washed away and instead got traded with fury.

Looking up you made eye contact with Sakusa. His eyes widened at the sight of your eyes, your gazing eyes pierced through his. It made him excited.


It went on like this for the whole day.

Every. Single. One. Of your spikes got shut down by them. It infuriated you.

"Don't you think we made her suffer enough?" Atsumu asked Sakusa while you walked out the door for a breath of air to cool down before you exploded.

Sakusa noticed the slight guilt in Atsumu's voice. "No, not yet."

Osamu joined in on the conversation with his water bottle in hand. "Sakusa-san is right. She needs to feel like this for a while, just until tomorrow." He added.

Atsumu had a frown on his face hearing those words, he didn't like seeing you like this. Seeing you so mad, frustrated, and upset.

"But haven't we pushed it too far? Maybe we should end practice now." He told the two boys.

Sakusa shook his head at the suggestion. "It'll help her. And plus she wouldn't want to stop practicing until she can finally land a spike." He continued.

Atsumu eyed the boy suspiciously, "Are you sure that's all?"

Sakusa glanced at him for a second before looking away again picking up a volleyball from the ground.

"She needs to feel how we felt when she left us."

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now