21. Meet Again

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The next day you found yourself walking through the sport's isle in the mall scouting for the volleyball knee pads you've been needing to get.

Looking for over twenty minutes already with no luck, you brought yourself to ask a worker where you could find the volleyball section in this huge sports store.

Following him he showed you an isle full of different brands of volleyballs and volleyball related items. From volleyball arm pads and volleyball shoes. It was like a mesmerizing dream seeing everything.

And at the end of the isle you spotted someone you would have never thought you would've seen again so soon.

"Udai-san?" She called out seeing you.

Composed and confidently, she approached you with whatever she took off the shelf in hand with her keys dangling off her hand in the other. "I never expected to see you here Udai-san."

Calmly you responded. "Same to you, I never expected to meet again so soon Hawana-san."

She had her hair curled, wearing a somewhat fashionable outfit as if she had just been on a date.

"What are you doing here in Hyōgo Prefecture?" You asked curious on why she would travel so far away from her own hometown.

Just then another male came from behind her from what you were guessing, a different isle.

"Hasumi, did you get what you needed?" He asked coming up from behind her.

His eyes then made contact with yours, his eyebrows raising not expecting someone else to be in the same isle. "Oh, hello." He greeted you.

Hasumi turned to him before looking back at you. "This is my boyfriend Udai-san." She told you.

Your eyes widened in shock, but you were expecting this. She was a beautiful, talented girl, of course someone like her would have a boyfriend.

"I came here to visit him, this is his hometown." She explained, it making sense to you.

You looked over at the boy once again bowing in respect of what you guessed, was your elder. He looked like he was in his third years if not already graduated.

"Udai Y/N." You introduced yourself.

His eyes widened surprised, he's heard of you before as one of the three top aces in the nation. He's watched you play from afar before but now that he was up close to you, he never could've imagined that you would be so pretty.

"Third best female ace in the nation?" He asked referring to your new title which you claimed after Nationals last school year. You nodding your head confirming his guess.

"We just went on a date as you can probably tell." She told you referring to her outfit.

You nodded your head responding with a simple, "Yeah."

"What are you doing here? Did you come to the mall by yourself?" She asked seeing you were alone.

It was a simple question that could've been answered with multiple simple answers. But it felt as if she was making fun of you, like she was pitying you for something so simple like going shopping alone.

"What's taking you so long?" Another voice then appeared from behind you.

Turning around you saw Sakusa there, his bored eyes evident. Mentally noting to thank him for showing up at the perfect timing.

Hasumi's eyes widened seeing Sakusa with you. "Oh sorry Kiyoomi, I was just about to get it." You told him walking over to the shelves picking out a certain pair of knee pads.

Hasumi was confused on why Sakusa was with you accompanying you, he was never a people person so why all of a sudden was he with you?

What were you to him? And what was he to you was all she could wonder.

Out of reflex she locked arms with her boyfriend that stood next to her. Needing to feel superior in any way at the moment for no apparent reason.

"Oh, Kiyoomi." She called out to him suddenly causing him to look over at her.

He gave her a death glare, "I told you to stop calling me that."

She froze at his words, embarrassment filling her as both you and her boyfriend had just witnessed it. "Ah- you were always so funny Kiyoomi." She tried brushing it off with a chuckle.

Only for Sakusa to confirm what he had just said before, "I'm serious."

Her boyfriend saw the tension and stepped up changing the topic. "Who are you?" He asked seeing how his girlfriend was so caution all of a sudden when he appeared.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi." He told the man not bothering to ask him the same question back.

He also recognized his name as one of the nation's top three aces. Which made him think that the two of you were a thing or dating considering how you two obviously knew each other and that you both were one of the nation's top aces.

"I got it Kiyoomi." You told him walking towards him with the knee pads in your hand.

He nodded his head at you before waiting for you to be by his side before walking away with you.

Leaving Hasumi standing there with her supposed boyfriend confused but mainly jealous seeing you and Sakusa so close, not knowing the relationship the two of you had.

Oh Kiyoomi, I told you I'd win your heart but- has it already been taken?

She asked herself, her heart slowly cracking at the thought.


[Extended Ending]

"What was that about Kiyoomi?" You asked referring to what you just had witnessed. The tension between him and Hasumi obvious.

"What do you mean?" He asked genuinely confused.

"There was tension between you and Hanawa-san, what happened?" You asked curiously knowing they went to the same high school.

"What tension?" He asked again still confused himself. It was obvious he didn't really care nor payed much attention to what had just happened.

Indicating she didn't mean much to him. "Never mind," You told him.

"Hey look that person looks kinda like Levi-"

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