19. Endings

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Time moved fast, so fast no one could've kept up. And before you knew it, it was already the last day of school. Ending your second year on a happier note then your first year.

Of course there was sadness involved just like any other emotion. Your third years Daiya, Orengi, and Katsumi have moved onto college. Leaving you and your team with the new first years.

From time to time you did contact them though, usually having old time sake team meetings before they officially moved on in their lives.

It made you realize a lot of things, how it would feel once you finally left your own team. Thinking about it made graduation seem scary.

But there was also many good things, you and the twins got closer, maybe not exactly how close you guys used to be before the huge break yet but your relationship with them improved heavily, and still was.

Sakusa and you also started talking more again, usually texting all day and everyday. On weekends the two of you would usually hang out like how you used to and sometimes without the twins. Whenever you did though and they found out, they usually would whine to you, mainly Atsumu anyways.


Walking out the school doors you breathed in the warm air of summer. Students walking and running past you, some even racing out the school gates with laughter.

The trees were a healthy colored green and the sky was an orange, pink, and red color. The sun slowly setting as the seasons changed.

Unbuttoning and taking off your school's sweater, you hanged it around your right arm feeling the warm air hit your skin.

Looking up you saw the opened school gates, it was the last time you'd be leaving school as a second year.

"Kiyoomi!" You shouted out his name, your eyes widening seeing Sakusa by your school's gate next to the twins.

"Hurry up Y/N!" Sakusa shouted back calling for you.

You smiled at the three boys running up to them. Instinctively you hugged Sakusa first after not seeing him for the longest time.

The last time seeing him being during spring break where he taught you a lesson you never could've learned by yourself.

Wrapping your arms around his torso, your head against his chest you heard his rapid heart rate. "Are you okay? Your heart sounds like it just ran a marathon."

Looking up at the boy with your chin against his chest he looked away embarrassed. He released his hands from around you and backed away.

"Shut up."

Chuckling at his reaction you walked past him and the twins leaving the school property. They watched you walking off without them onto the sidewalk next to the schools gate wall.

Glancing behind you, you saw how they weren't following you. "Are you guys coming?" You shouted at them while walking backwards.

They exchanged glances between each other before following after you. Hurriedly catching up to your pace walking besides you as the sun set slowly.

"So now what?" Sakusa asked from besides you.

"Now, we heal wounds."

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now