34. Rival

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Life is like a book. There's almost always a rough beginning, a long journey, and an ending. Sometimes it's sad, sometimes it's happy, but in my case I'm so lucky mine turned out happy and I'm hoping it will end this way as well.

It was a year later where Sakusa is now calmly walking down a hallway, his mask on and his hands in his pockets. Obvious whispers and glances being directed towards him from these other teams from all over the world. He ignored them all.

Then, he walked pass a certain girl he hasn't seen in a few years. Puffing her chest she confidently chased after Sakusa walking besides him. "Kiyoomi!"

Sakusa looked over his shoulder to see the girl he never was really fond of. But as she was an old friend, he thought it was only polite to say something back. "Hello Hasumi."

"It's been years Kiyoomi! How have you been?" She started off.


She smiled awkwardly at his dryness, she had almost forgotten how cold he could be. "So um, you and Y/N right? How have you two been?" She asked feeling a little ping in her heart.

"We're fine."

The few crowds of people watching as Hasumi talked to Sakusa were stunned. This girl showed up out of no where talking to Sakusa like they were best friends forever, especially when Sakusa is known for his coldness by other teams.

She walked right in front of him stopping him in his tracks with a frown on her face. Standing there impatient waiting for her to move Sakusa spoke. "What?"

She looked away nervous for a second. Her eyes wondering somewhere else to try to look for an excuse before she saw her teammate gesture her to hurry up. "'My friend and I are going to dine tonight in the new restaurant that had just opened, would you like to come?" She asked with a scared face but a sweet tone.


Biting her lip she then said. "There will be [your favorite food] and if I remember correctly, they are Y/Ns favorite. Bring her along." Hasumi said smiling brightly.

He then thought about it for a second. "It's on me." Hasumi then added.

"Ok." Sakusa made up his mind, because why not? Free food and it's your favorite, and Sakusa loves to please you.


That night, you dressed nicely along with Sakusa as it was going to be a fancy restaurant. "You look beautiful." You heard a deep voice, and in the reflection of the mirror you were standing in front of, you saw no other then your boyfriend.

Turning around you smiled then taking in his handsome look in his tux. "Where's your tie? Or your bow." You asked raising an eyebrow.

He only rolled his eyes before walking out the bathroom only to come back seconds later. "This better?" He asked with a bored voice.

"Actually," You walked towards him taking off his tie then wrapping it around his neck. One hand on each end before pulling him closer to your face. "You look more handsome with an open shirt." You whispered slightly, his face only inches apart from yours before you closed that gap kissing him.

Quite a romantic you turned into as time passed by. Sometimes it even surprised you.

"I'm joking, you look handsome either way." You then said after parting with him. Taking your hands off around his shoulder you took the tie with you placing it down on the bathroom counter.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now