8. Rejections

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"Let me take that." Osamu said holding out his hand for your sports bag.

You smiled sweetly at his kind gesture. "It's fine Samu, I can hold my own bag."

But he didn't take no for an answer and grabbed your bag hanging it around his own shoulder. Letting him because you knew he wouldn't let go after he took it.

"How frickin' cool is that?!" Atsumu exclaimed referring to the mid air reverse quick attack like he just saw his very first volleyball game.

You chuckled at his cute reaction. "Learned it from the best." You referred to his own game when he and Osamu successfully did a quick attack on their very first try.

"Pfff, yours was way cooler. I'm jealous." He scoffed looking to the side disappointed.

"He's not wrong on this one Y/N." Osamu agreed.

"Don't say that Samu! You'll make him feel even worse." You scolded him lightly slapping his left arm.

"I can't believe you did it mid-air though, how did you feel?" He asked brushing off your light slap.

You waited a few seconds before answering thinking. "Well, even I didn't know I was going to do that to be completely honest."

Atsumu looked at you as if you had just spoken another language. "You just randomly did it? Like- like by instinct?"

Hearing his words you just nodded your head. You didn't know how else to explain it.

"You're really different from last year Y/N-kun." He confessed.

You shot your head up at his in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Osamu and Atsumu looked between each other debating if they should tell you or not.

"When we finally met again yesterday, you just, had a different feeling." Osamu told you hesitantly not knowing how to explain it.

"You feel much more free ya know?" Atsumu added. "You would've never tried wild or crazy moves like that in games before but yet you did continuous ones in the past few matches."

You understood what they were trying to say noticing it yourself as well. The way you played was much more different from how you played in middle school.

In middle school you would always try your best to be professional and structured like Hasumi. But now your playing style was totally different and unexpected.

Looking between the two boys you noticed a certain someone wasn't with them. "Tsumu, Samu, where's Sakusa-san?" You asked looking around the gym from where the three of you stood.

"A girl halted him outside in the hallways, I think they know each other." Shrugging his shoulders he told you.

"Oh." You let out looking at the hallway doors.


Meanwhile outside those double doors that led to the hallways.

"Kiyoomi!" She called out to the boy that was walking away from her.

Stopping in his steps he turned around to look at the girl waiting for what she had to say.

"Why?" Was all she asked with saddened eyes, tears threatening to fall any second.

He could only sigh at the sight of her. "I don't like you." He let it out bluntly once again.

She turned into stone hearing those words. Those words she never heard before in her life, a sentence she never could've imagined to be directed at her.

"And please stop calling me Kiyoomi." He told her in the kindest way possible seeing that she was already so hurt by his other words.

With that he turned around and left. Leaving her there in utter shock at what she had just experienced. She just had managed to pick up enough courage for the first time in years ever since she felt a spark with him in middle school.

For only it all to go in vain, and to be crushed. But it didn't matter to her, she was never one to give up anything so quickly.

"I don't care Kiyoomi. I'll win your heart, even if it takes ages. I'll win it."


[Extended Ending]

"Oh Sakusa-san, there you are." You called out walking towards him.

He smiled to himself under his mask seeing you.

"Udai-san, are you hungry?" He asked.

You nodded your head. "A little."

"Why don't we go get something to eat." He suggested.

You smiled surprised by his words. "I thought you hated going out?"

Walking besides him you followed as he led the way. "I know a small place, not many go there."

Understanding now, you nodded your head excited. "I actually got you something Sakusa-san. I wasn't sure if I'd see you this year but- just in case I held on to these."

Rummaging through your sports bag you took out a book and a small fancy bottle of hand sanitizer.

His eyes lit up seeing them. "What for?"

You held it out to him. "Um, it's for the past birthdays I missed." You told him hesitantly feeling guilty.

He could feel the ends of his lips curl up again, a small smile now on his lips.

"Thank you." He said as he took a hold of the items. "How did you get this brand?" He asked seeing the hand sanitizer up close admiring the fancy and pretty details it had on it's case.

"It wasn't difficult, Tenma gave it to me knowing you'd like it from his trips from college." You told him earning a small chuckle to leave his lips.

"Tell Tenma I appreciate them, it's perfect." He told you.

You could practically trace out his smile that was hidden under his mask. It slightly made you relieved that Sakusa was fond of your presents.

"The book's a sequel to the one I gave you in middle school, it's really good. I read it a few times myself." You told him with eagerness and anticipation in your eyes.

He looked down at the book, seeing the front cover beautifully decorated. "It looks lovely."

You smiled widely, opening your arms out to him excitedly.

You hugged him.

You smelt his slight cologne that was on him. It made your chest pound.

On the other hand, he blushed slightly before pushing you away clearing his throat.

"Great, now I have to wash my jacket again you disgusting germ."

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now