4. Determination

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"Don't forget third rounds are in an hour Danuja-san." You reminded the hothead.

"I got it it's alright Y/N-chan! And stop calling me that, I told you to call me by my first name!" She exclaimed hitting your shoulder.

Chuckling softly at her while rubbing your shoulder, you corrected yourself. "Okay Sakiya-chan."

She smiled in response before turning around walking away along with Aiko. You smiled at the sight of the two wing spikers, they were best friends.

Turning back around you gathered your stuff into your sports bag. While organizing your stuff on the bench preparing for the next game, you heard a familiar voice call your name.

"Udai Y/N."

You froze for a second. The calm, deep voice that was slightly muffled by a mask called your name. A voice you knew too well as you've known him for years.

Turning around you greeted him with a smile. "Sakusa-san."

It was just you two in the empty hallway. Everyone already left and cleared out to do other things, from hanging out with friends to watching the matches from either the girls or boys teams.

"Why did you cut contact with me after middle school?" He asked, "You disappeared from even Atsumu and Osamu for a long time."

You gave a guilty smile remembering the last time you guys chatted was already over a year ago. "Ah, I'm sorry Sakusa-san. I've been, really busy lately." You told him.

He could only sigh at your response understanding what you meant. "I see."

You felt awkward, not knowing what to say next the two of you stood there in silence. It was really hard seeing him again for the first time in almost two years.

You remembered you cut him, Atsumu, Osamu, and honestly anyone close to you at the time.

You felt guilty about it to this day, you didn't mean to. Not exactly, it sorta just, came to be.

"Atsumu is looking for you." He told you breaking the silence.

Looking up at the man you gave him a genuine smile hearing your best friend's name get mentioned. "He is eh? I'm almost done packing we can go to wherever he is after."

He nodded at your words as you finished packing up your stuff. Swinging your bag around your shoulder you let him lead the way, walking along besides him.

"What have you been up to recently?" He asked engaging into a conversation. 

"Nothing unusual. I've just been doing what I have been since middle school." You told him.

He smiled at the mention of middle school remembering the moments the two of you would have spending time together.

It also reminded him of your older brother. "How is Udai-san?" He asked.

You peaked a glance at him seeing him smile, you missed it. "He's well. I actually haven't talked to him in a long time."

He frowned, "How come?"

"He's busy with school."

Hearing that simple sentence he nodded his head understandingly.

You glanced at him slightly from his side, his face was well structured, he had a strong jawline and sharp features. Flawless, is how you could describe him.

"Say, Sakusa-san. You've gotten handsomer these days." You told him nudging his arm slightly.

He eyed you weirdly. "And you've gotten uglier."

"That's the Sakusa-san I know!" You then suddenly exclaimed laughing.

He looked down at you, a small smile appearing on his lips as he slightly got to see your giggly and fun side again.

"You haven't changed much Sakusa-san, although I can't say I'm surprised about that." You told him smiling eyes closed.

He scoffed at you. "I wish I could say the same about you." He slightly whispered.

You perked your ears up, "What was that Sakusa-san?"

Biting his tongue he was determining if he should repeat his words again or not. "I asked when you got back into the prefecture."

"Oh," You blinked. "I actually got back only a few weeks ago. I could've sworn I saw you at the All-Japan Youth Intensive Training Camp when I was leaving though."

He nodded his head confirming your thoughts. "You did."

Tilting your head you looked at the boy strangely. "And you didn't bother to say hi?"

"You didn't bother to say hi during first-year. I was simply returning the favor of when you abandoned me."

You couldn't really tell if he was joking or not, he was sometimes hard to read. You looked at him worriedly if he actually did feel that way, but when you did he smiled.

Sighing, relieved that he was only joking. You shook your head at yourself, feeling your heart pounding just a little too fast.


Just at that moment the two of you reached your destined spot. Atsumu spotted you from over ten feet in front of you and came running to you engulfing you in a tight hug.

"You promised!" He shouted out while his head was still on your shoulder.

You chuckled at the boy's cuteness, "I'm here aren't I?"

He made a weird noise after hearing that, like he was mimicking your response. "Late."

Osamu appeared from behind him slowly approaching you, "Y/N-chan, you made it on time." He reassured you.

Prying Atsumu off of you, you hugged Osamu next. "Of course, we finished sooner then expected. How far into the match are they?" You asked referring to Sakusa's high school girl volleyball teams match.

"Still on the first set. Itachiyama is winning so far." He told you.

Hearing the school's name you averted your attention to the court. Stepping away from the three boys you made your way to the railings, looking over on the court.

You saw her standing there in the front row. Her eyes fierce as ever and her figure at it's best shape.

The person you looked up to for so long, but the same person that made you feel as if you were never enough.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now