29. Champions

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Silence fell.

Then the crowd roared, cheered, and shouted. So loud the bleachers and stage they sat on shook and echoed through out the huge gymnasium. Your team cried, your coach cried, your team manager cried, and you yourself felt tears forming in your eyes.

Everything happened so fast you could barely comprehend what happened.

After a long three hours, five sets, the longest rallies you've ever played finally ended. The score board showing the points that changed your emotions in a matter of second.

Levina Ackah 15-13 Itachiyama.

It was like a dream you never wanted to wake up from. And luckily for you, it was no dream, it was reality, and it was happening right now.

Your team cried to each other, Mari hugging you, Reina, and Temari. Sakiya, Aiko, and Nariyu crushing each other in a group hug balling their eyes out. The new first-years shocked that on their first year in Levina Ackah that they have already experienced what winning Nationals was like.

It was unbelievable, after so many years of hard work, dedication, and not to mention so many years of trying and pushing yourself to win against her. It finally happened, everything came together at the end.

You got to end your high school years, winning Nationals.

On the other side of the court, it fell silent. Hasumi looked over at your team in shock, at you in shock. Her rival for so many years has finally won?

She breathed heavily, exhausted after everything that's happened. She just wanted to go home, and take a break. She looked at her teammates, before bringing every single one of them together. Thanking them, for making her years in Itachiyama Institute one to remember.

You looked over at her, making eye contact with her once again. She slightly smiled at you, as if she was saying "You might've won this time, but we will meet again."

So you smiled back, "We will, and I will win again." Confirming her thoughts and requests before she looked away, going back to her coaches and team managers.

You looked up from your hug with Mari, and saw Tenma in tears approaching you on the court.

That was it for you.

Rushing over towards him you engulfed him into a hug. "Tenma!" You exclaimed.

"I told you! I told you I'd do it!" You shouted out to him while putting your head on his shoulder, crying your eyes out remembering the memory.

"Big brother! I'll win Nationals for you one day, I'll accomplish your dreams for the both of us!"

He only sighed in your embrace, his hand on your head pushing you closer to him.

"I always knew you could, my little ace."


You were packing your stuff in your sports bag. Getting ready to finally go home with your medal in hand from winning Nationals. And not to mention the huge trophy.

Turning around you saw Tenma, your mother, and father in the distant. Talking to a man who wore casual clothing but yet had such a distinctive and professional feeling.

You approached them, walking up besides Tenma you looked at the man.

"What's happening here?" You asked curiously.

Your mother and father looked at you with excited eyes. "This man is a scout, he saw you play and wanted to recruit you to play for one of Japan's best college teams." Your mother explained.

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now