18. Sincerely

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You smirked at their request. They were a group of four, three girls and one boy. "Alright." You said accepting their challenge.

"One round, first to twenty five." You stated out to them.

"Deal." The boy said.

Osamu came up to you pulling you away. "Weren't we just going to clean up?"

"Samu do you know me at all? I would never back out of a competition." You told him smiling cheekily.

"Well, it's not a competition, but we'll win." You said before walking over to Atsumu and Sakusa telling them about the deal.

Sakusa was hesitant at first, not wanting to stay any longer because of how many people were here watching you now, Atsumu just wanted to show off his skills more.

"You guys got yourself a game." You told the other group of four causing the crowd that built up to cheer.


Starting off the first round, Sakusa and Osamu were in the back row, you and Atsumu going to be the main attack system in the front row for now.

They served first, gently serving the ball over to your side. You caught it retrieving it over to Atsumu which he then set back at you.

And what happened next surprised you all. Two of the girls jumped blocking your spike, it landing on your side of the net earring a point for them.

The crowd oooed at the turn of events.

Smirking you leaned on one side with a hand on your hip raising an eyebrow. "So they're here to play." You said in a slightly questioning voice watching them as they cheered.

"Then let's play." Sakusa confirmed with a calm face.

Starting the next round the other team was excited, Sakusa now in the front row with you as the setter. Setting the ball over to Sakusa, he did a cross spike confusing them and earning a cheer from the crowd.

"It is hot." He said before taking off his shirt exposing his abs and toned body.

Your eyes widening at the sudden sight along with the crowd silent, only the girls slightly screaming. You felt yourself get flustered turning to look away.

And just like that, you guys racked up the point effortlessly. The other team was confused not being able to gain a single point after the first.

You almost felt bad but enjoyed the feeling of victory more. They were the ones challenging you anyways, and after just twenty five minutes, you won.

Ending with a score of twenty five to nine. "Well, that was fun while it lasted." You said approaching them with the guys behind you.

The boy was mad but mainly embarrassed. "How are you guys so good?" He asked genuinely curious.

You chuckled at his question. "We play on teams."

He and his own team then understood, they were good at volleyball but to a limit. They were merely a little fun practice to you. "Good game." He said holding out a hand to you.

Taking out your own hand to shake his, you shook it with a firm grip that shook his whole body. "Yeah."

Afterwards you packed up the volleyball net and placed it all away back into the car. By now it was dark, the only sources of light being the stars and moon.

The four of you were on the sidewalks of the beach just talking, laughing, and joking around. "And then Omi-kun accidentally spiked the guy in the face with the volleyball!" Atsumu said telling you about Sakusa's match in National's last year.

You laughed at the story along with Osamu. Sakusa lightly chuckled remembering the memory as well. "It sounds like you guys had a heck of a year."

Atsumu nodded his head confirming your statement. "It's getting really late and cold Y/N, we should go home now." Osamu told you.

"Yeah I guess you're right," You said turning around to go back to the car.

But you had something in mind you had to say. Slightly hesitant not knowing if it was right or not.

No. It is right.

You grabbed Sakusa's wrist halting him causing him and the boys to look back at you. "Go ahead of us Tsumu and Samu. We'll catch up."

They exchanged glances before nodding their head understanding what you requested. You waited for them to be a few feet ahead of you before finally speaking.

"I'm sorry Sakusa-san."

Those words surprised Sakusa. "I left you, including Samu and Tsumu. I- I didn't consider how you guys would feel." You said stuttering on your words.

The wind blew against your face, causing your hair to blow gently behind you. "I never meant to hurt you, and I would never want to. But I did, and I didn't even apologize when we first saw each other again." You told him looking down at the cement.

He listened to your words carefully. "Our friendship doesn't mean nothing. It's one of the most precious things I have in my life, and I'm so sorry I didn't show it."

Tears were now threatening to fall on your face but you continued on. "You mean so much to me, more then you would ever think. I'm sorry." You continued weakly, "I never meant to hurt you guys."

Sakusa was allured by your beauty as you spoke, mesmerized by the way the moonlight shined on your face. Causing an enchanting-like aura to appear around you.

A few tears now sliding down your cheek. "Don't cry." He spoke softly.

His hand went under your chin, bringing your face to look up at his. Your eyes made contact with his. He moved his hand and brought it closer to your face, gently wiping your tears away.

"I might just go insane."


[Extended Ending]

"You think they're making out or something?" The older brother asked.

Osamu was leaning against the car, his arms crossed. "Maybe."

"I should probably give Omi-kun his book back, he got really mad at me when I took it."

Osamu just glared at him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I just wanted to see what was so special about it, he always reads it, it's so boring."

Osamu rolled his eyes. "Y/N gave it to him in middle school, what do you think?"

The boy blinked for a second, before quickly turning around seeing you and Sakusa coming back their way. "Y/N-kun! Omi-kun! Welcome back!" He shouted out.

"How was your make out session?"

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