23. Perfect

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Sitting on your couch between Sakusa and Osamu bored and tired you listened as the four women and four men talked for what seemed like ages.

You were in Miyagi Prefecture, your original hometown where you were born and raised along with Tenma for most of your life until you moved to Hyōgo Prefectures.

"I can't believe you're the last one of us to get married!" Your mother exclaimed towards her best friend of twenty years.

"I know right? And in high school we thought you'd be first to get married." The twins mother added.

"At least now she is." Sakusas father commented earning chuckles from them.

"Well it's never too late for love." Your auntie Akari responded to their comments about her engagement looking over at her fiancé.

Awes being heard as they stared at each other with somehow passion involved. Honestly you didn't know why the four of you had to be here to listen to their conversation.

"I can't wait for the wedding, you guys are doing a really big wedding right?" The twin's mother asked.

"Yeah with a very big venue?" Your mother added along asking.

They nodded their head in sync at their questions, eyes sparking in the woman's eyes which was then cut off by Atsumu. "Can we go now."

Their eyes averted to Atsumu seeing his slouching posture with bored written all over his face. "Oh sorry honey, that reminds me." His mother responded.

"All four of you will be going to the wedding with dates."

Your eyes widened hearing the news, jolting up. "What? With who?"

Your mom responded to you with a excited smile. "Osamu and Atsumu dates will be with Akari's two daughters. It's perfect!"

"What about Tenma-chan?" You asked.

"He's actually going to be one of my groomsmen," Akari's fiancé told you which made sense. He and Tenma has always been very close, which led to your next question.

"Well what about Kiyoomi and me?" You asked.

"Kiyoomi and you will be dates." His father then answered your question.

"Why?" Sakusa then asked from next to you causing you to feel your heart slowly sink.

"Why do we need dates?" He then finished his question which made you slightly relieved.

Your parents glanced between each other for a second. "Being our children, you guys will represent the next generation of our lives." Your mother continued. "So all of you will be coming as dates for the wedding."

The twins nodded their head understandingly on what they meant. They were a very close friend group thats been friends for well over fifteen years, something you always wanted.

"Unless you rather go with one of the twins as a date and Sakusa can go with one of my daughters." Akari suggested asking you.

Immediately you shook your head, "That won't be necessary." Maybe a bit too fast.

"Oh, alright then." She responded.

Sakusa slightly blushed at your response. She wants to go with me?


The next day you met up with Akari's two daughter to go dress shopping for the wedding. Something them and your mother suggested to do to get closer before the wedding.

"Do you have any preferences in dresses Udai-san?" Oshin the older sister asked you.

You shook your head in response. "Not really, anything that just catches my eyes."

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now