15. Struggles

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Laying in bed you couldn't go to sleep. The thought of every single one of your spikes being blocked stayed in your mind.

Tossing and turning you sighed. You couldn't believe you didn't even manage to break or dodge at least one of their blocks.

But then you smiled, it's been such a long time since the four of you did anything together. Remembering memories from when you were in middle school with Atsumu and Osamu.

Like when the three of you practiced volleyball for the first time together. You were originally going to become a setter until you found an interest in spiking, finding it more exciting.

But before then, Osamu would always tease you about your setting skills as he was so "great" at it. Until Atsumu got better at setting then him that is.

Then when they introduced you to Sakusa. He used to be so hesitant and nervous around you. Maybe because he disliked you or he just wasn't comfortable with you yet.

Whatever it was, you didn't mind it. Because after a while he warmed up to you. The two of you were always together, sometimes even hanging out without Atsumu and Osamu.

He slowly became your best friend, and shortly introduced you to spiking.

So of course you liked him. He was perfect in your mind, only everything you could imagine a girl would call her middle school crush, you had that thought.

It was only normal to think that way. When you were naive and young. Honestly you didn't realize it sooner but you missed him.

He was the closest person in your life, and you shut him out. Slowly he disappeared from your life, as if he was fading away like a cloud once it stopped raining.

And soon enough, those old feelings washed away. Becoming nothing but history.


"Ready to try again Y/N-kun?" Atsumu asked seeing you enter the gym.

"Yeah," You replied in a weirdly cheerful mood compared to yesterday.

They were surprised by your mood, you left the gym screaming yesterday and here you were perfectly fine.

Did it work? They wondered.

Putting your stuff on the side you took off your sweater leaving you in nothing but your sports bra and shorts.

Your toned stomach with pretty noticeable abs on display to them. Also exposing your toned calves that became to what they are from all those volleyball practices and games.

"Shall we get started?"

They were in shock seeing your exposed body. Sakusa was slightly flushed and embarrassed to look at you. Trying to look at anything else but you.

The twins weren't too surprised since it wasn't their first time seeing you half naked, you were really close to them in middle school so it wasn't anything new when you practiced exposed with them.

But still they were surprised you would reveal so much skin, but they still enjoyed the view of course.

A few hours into practice you barley managed to get a few spikes through. It was better then yesterday but it still wasn't good enough. You were an ace, it was your job to make sure your team could get through anything.

And it crushed you.

Suddenly you felt a wave of emotions wash over you. Panting and sweating, your body was covered in sweat, creating a weird feeling to surround you.

"How can I call myself an ace?" You asked not actually meant for anyone to answer.

They looked at you confused by your sudden question. Your hands gripping together in fists you looked down at the ground not wanting to show the tears that were forming in your eyes.

"How can I call myself the Dragon Ace when I can't even land a single point?" You continued weakly.

You felt overwhelmed and confused. This has never happened before when you played with other school's in the past. Why just now did all your spikes and attacks get blocked so easily?

Atsumu felt guilty and sad seeing you like this, sure he teased you a lot about your spikes but he never meant them.

"Look at me."

Hesitantly your eyes slowly moved up seeing Sakusa standing in front of you.

"Have some confidence." He harshly spat at you.

"We aren't aces because we can get points for the team." He told you. "Any team member can get a point."

"We're aces because the team relies mainly on us. Because they know no matter how hard it gets, we'll always be there to help them back up." He continued.

"It's an insult how the Dragon Ace can't even realize that."

Picking up a volleyball he gave it to you. Walking back to Osamu on the other side of the net he waited for you.

They waited for you.

Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself, mentally telling yourself that you could get through it.

You're not called the Dragon Ace for nothing Y/N.

Just like that, you broke their wall.

Slowly the ends of your lips curved upwards. Looking at your two hands surprised you then looked up at the three boys.

"I did it!" You exclaimed excitedly which made them smile.

It made Sakusa's heart slightly flutter seeing such a genuine smile come from you. But then, his smile fell remembering the last time he saw that smile was when the two of you were in middle school, on the last day.

He remembered how he felt when you neglected him for almost two years. Which caused him to blurt the question he's been holding back ever since he first saw you again.

"How can you act like nothing happened?"

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now