16. Confrontation

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"How can you act like nothing happened?" He suddenly blurted out catching everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

He eyed you up and down. "You left us for over a year, almost two years without contacting us. Without contacting me."

Surprised by his sudden outburst out of no where. "I thought you guys understood."

"I do, but that doesn't mean I would brush it off so easily." He told you harshly.

You furrowed your eyebrows at him in confusion. "What did it matter to you?"

He dropped the volleyball in his hand facing you. "What did it matter to me?" He restated somehow offended by the question.

"You were my best friend. And you left, haven't you ever considered that we'd, that I, would feel something?" He questioned you.

"You slowly disappeared from my life, not even immediately which would've hurt less!" He slightly raised his voice. "Of course I understand why you did it. That's why I tried not to make a big deal about it, but I can't! Have you never considered that I have feelings too?"

You saw the pain in his eyes as he continued talking, the guilt was beginning to wash over you. "I loved you. And you completely shut me out like I was nothing to you!"

He loved me?

"For the longest time I blamed myself on why you left. On why you suddenly didn't care about me anymore!" He shouted out frustrated.

"That isn't true." You tried arguing back.

He gave you a look of disbelief and disgust. "That isn't true? Then why'd you leave me?"

"Why'd you shut me out? How could you so easily?" He asked you desperately.

"It wasn't easy!" You yelled out only for him to ignore.

He was beginning to feel overwhelmed by his emotions, on what he's been holding back for all this time and ever since he met you again. "Did I mean nothing to you after all these years?" He continued, his tears building up as he ranted.

"And you know what hurt the most? Was that last year in Nationals you didn't even talk to me or tried. You ignored me as if I didn't exist, like you never knew me!"

His tears were now rolling down his puffy cheeks. "Did our friendship that lasted for years mean nothing to you?"

"Of course it did." You responded. "You mean so much to me, but I had my goals."

"You had your goals?" He questioned. "I did too, we all did and still do. But we never pushed each other out, only you did."

"My heart broke when in Nationals I expected to see you again, talk to you, everything we used to do but when we did, you walked past me." He stated remembering the moment.

Recalling the memory he continued. "Our eyes met, you looked at me. But you didn't stop, you just kept walking, not sparing a second glance at me."

You remembered that moment, the first time you saw him after your match against Hasumi and your team got disqualified in quarter finals.

"And you know what's funny?" He asked with pain evident in his eyes. "When our eyes locked, even though you completely ignored me after."

"In that moment, I thought you looked beautiful."

The twins stood there in silence only watching. They didn't know what to say, only to watch as their best friend of years finally confess that he loved you in middle school.

He sighed one last time looking down on the ground, not being able to keep eye contact with you anymore.

"I-I knew you would've been hurt. Hurt that after so long of ignoring you that I thought if I just kept ignoring you, it wouldn't have hurt as much anymore when we meet again." You tried explaining yourself. "I thought time could let you heal."

He scoffed at your words.

"They say that time heals all wounds but yet, mine feels like they've been open for years."

You didn't know how to respond, how to react. It was obvious he was broken, that he was suffering. It made your heart clench and break seeing him like this, he wasn't the type of person to show his emotions.

He was always so calm and collected. The moment he showed any sign of distress was more then new, and here he was, unleashing all his emotions, pouring them on you.

So you did the only thing you thought to do, that you could do.

His eyes widened, the tears that stopped for a second only fell again, and pouring.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned in, nuzzling his face into your neck.

You could feel your shoulder getting wetter and wetter as he silently cried on your shoulder.

Both twins were looking away, Atsumu fidgeting with his fingers biting his lip, his eyebrows arched. Osamu only felt what Sakusa said, he felt almost the same when you left. It was too much for both of them to handle.

Sakusa felt his heart race speeding, pounding, he never knew he could express his emotions that much. And honestly, he didn't know why he was hugging you, after all everything you made him feel, he still hugged you.

He hugged you because you were the one source of comfort he could only take, the only source he actually felt safe in like his mother's.

So even if his heart was breaking, even if his mind was clouded, he couldn't stay away from you.

"Kiyoomi," You almost in a whisper called out to him.

His eyes slightly widened hearing you call him by his first name, he liked it. How it sounded from you, how gentle it sounded coming from your mouth.

It was beautiful to him in a way.

"I'm so sorry Kiyoomi." You told him feeling your eyes whelm up with tears.

"Stop. Don't say anything," He almost begged out, his voice slightly shaking. "Please."

He only wanted to stay in your embrace. He didn't want to hear anything you had to say at the moment, he just wanted to hold you again, feel your warmth.

His breathing got softer against your neck, it almost tickled.

"Okay." You said as you held him.

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