17. Volley

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The next day when you didn't show up for the first ten minutes he was worried that he scared you off.

How could I be so inconsiderate about her feelings?

He groaned to himself, Atsumu and Osamu pitying the boy.

"Sorry I'm late guys."

A sudden voice entered the room.

You walked in with casual clothes with just your phone, wallet, and keys in hand. "I didn't pay attention to the time so I was running a bit late." You excused yourself.

Atsumu waved his hand at you reassuring you that it was okay. "At least you're here but, what are you doing?" He asked referring to what you were wearing.

"Well, I thought we should spent spring break doing something else either then just practicing." You told them truthfully.

"What do you suggest?" Osamu asked.

"Why don't we go to the beach? Beach volleyball's my favorite." You told them.

Atsumu was on board right away, "No disagreement here! Let's go!" He said before grabbing his stuff and zooming away past you.

Osamu and Sakusa had no other choice but to comply and follow along. And soon enough the four of you were on the beach on the nice, hot, sunny day.

There was a lot of people on the beach as well, mainly teenagers. They were doing stuff from swimming in the water to tanning on the beach.

You walked on the hot sand first, Osamu, Sakusa, and Atsumu behind you. Of course Sakusa was mainly hesitant to come, he wasn't very open to the idea of going to a public beach.

But at the end you guys managed to persuade him to come along.

"Isn't it nice today?" You asked them as you guys set up the volleyball net in the sand far away from people to ease Sakusa's senses.

"It's hot." Osamu deadpanned which caused you to laugh.

"I'm having fun!" Atsumu said cheerfully. It wasn't a surprise though, of course he'd have fun. There were many, many teenage girls around.

And of course they stared at you guys, you were setting up a volleyball net and had three attractive, pretty muscular guys with you.

"Alright! All done. Let's start playing!" You told them standing up from your crouched down position.

"How will we choose the teams?" Osamu asked walking over towards you.

"Easy. I'm with Sakusa-san." You said looking over at him with a smile. It shocked him to say the least but went along with it.

So there the four of you were, you were in the front while Sakusa stayed in back row. Atsumu in the front and Osamu in the back.

It started off with Sakusa gently serving the ball to their side of the net. Osamu retrieving it perfectly to Atsumu he prepared for a spike.

You ran up to it and waited for a block. It was perfect, the timing and execution. The ball fell right back onto their side of the net, earning a point for you and Sakusa.

"So I guess the training did pay off?" Osamu mentioned earning a chuckle.

Sakusa served again, this time it was close to the net causing Atsumu to retrieve it this time. Osamu set it for him before Atsumu spiked it.

Surprisingly Atsumu spiked it with more power then expected. Causing the ball to bounce off of Sakusa's arm to off the outline of the court.

Not thinking twice you ran for the ball, diving into it, you received it rolling.

"Rolling Thunderrrrrr!" You yelled.

Looking up the ball was successfully back up into the air and back inside the bounds, Sakusa spiking it earning the point back once again.

Their eyes widened looking at you as if they had just seen a ghost. "What?" You asked genuinely confused.

"What was that?" Sakusa asked eyeing you weirdly.

"Rolling Thunder! My friend taught me it!" You exclaimed excitedly, happy that you finally got to use it.

It went on like this for a while, rally's were pretty common since you guys never really did anything extraordinary to earn points considering it was only beach volleyball.

Over time you guys also earned quite a crowd. Mainly being teenage girls and boys watching amused by your plays.

Sakusa was slightly bothered at first, but ignored it as he was having fun. Also not wanting to ruin the fun seeing you and the twins so happy.

"Woooo!" The girls cheered as Atsumu spiked earning a point.

The wind blowed against your body, slightly shivering at the cold touch.

"It's getting colder." Osamu mentioned seeing that the sun was about to set. "We should go home soon."

You nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's start packing up."

And just as you were about to untie the net a group of four came up to you, a volleyball twirling in one of their hands.

"You aren't going home yet are you? Why not play one more match against us?"

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now