7. Unexpected

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Exhausted from yesterday your body ached more then usual. Atsumu dragged you all around the whole building exploring every area, and even though it was fun it was tiring.

"You alright Y/N?" Your upperclassmen Daiya asked seeing you a bit annoyed and agitated.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little sore." You told her.

"I don't think I'm ready for Quarter-Finals." You joked with her while stretching your back and arms.

Daiya rolled her eyes. "You say that now but on the court, it's a different story." She told the truth.

"She's not wrong." Orengi your other upperclassmen joined in on the conversation.

Scoffing at their statements you just shook your head. "Are you guys almost ready to leave?" You asked changing the subject.

Daiya finished tying her shoe laces to her volleyball shoes before standing up. "Yeah, I'll go get Kasumi and Temari." She said leaving the room.

"Who are we going against Y/N?" Reina asked coming out of the same room Daiya just went into.

Placing your chin on the palm of your hand you tried to remember the sheet they gave all the captains and vice captains yesterday for today's Quarter-Final matches.

"Ichibayashi High."

Looking up at Reina, Mari stood besides her with her sports bag ready around her shoulder. "Their boy's volleyball team made it into Quarter-Finals too, we shouldn't expect any less from their girl team." She explained.

You got up from your sat down position, "Of course."


The score was close, too close for comfort. Twenty four to twenty three. They had the upper hand right now with the points, they were too close to taking the second set.

"Their setter is really good." Mari spoke from besides you gulping down her water.

You could tell she was a bit nervous because of the current score. "So is ours." You said earning a scoff from her.

She then threw a towel at you causing you to laugh, "Hey!" You shouted out laughing.

She only shook her head at you before putting down her water bottle getting ready to go back out on the court after the time out ended, you doing the same.

Taking in a deep breath they served. Reina instantly catching it, it went perfectly to Mari.

You and Sakiya were ready for a spike jumping up behind and in front of her, only for her to suddenly dump it.

Three of the other team's teammates dived for the ball at the same time only for it to land right in front of them, their setter glaring at Mari.

The whole team was in shock, during the whole time in Nationals she never once used a setter dump, until now.

They looked up at Mari with a scowl on their faces frustrated. The crowd also mesmerized for a second before cheering.

Mari just smirked at them before grouping back up with the team, the next round starting, the score evened out.

It was definitely a effective way to throw off the other team morals for a few minutes, but you were hesitant with Mari's current state. She only used them whenever she felt intimidated or worried by the opponent.

Nariyu and Aiko then switched, Aiko now on the court in the front row. And after the whistle blew indicating for the serve to start.

Orengi your team's pinch server did a float serve. Their ace barley managing to pick it up after it was right on the line, tossing it back into the air their setter rushed to retrieve it.

It bounced into an awkward position, right at the back of their side of the court. Their Libero having to get it to the other side of the net.

"Free ball!" Your team shouted.

Aiko retrieved it into a perfect toss for you, it went straight in front of you besides the net. Running up to it you prepared yourself for a spike.

You saw their blockers in front of you waiting for the exact timing to jump. And as they were about to, you turned your body just at the moment you were going to spike and set it mid air to your right.

Mari was prepared for it and jumped at the exact moment you set it for her. Landing a quick attack the crowd roared.

Their blockers dropped onto the ground turning their heads to their left seeing the volleyball rolling on the ground.

Your team cheered and shouted at you and Mari, amazed themselves at the stunt the two of you pulled off. Your coach yelling and shouting in excitement.

Dashing over to Mari hyped, you and she did your handshake you two created during first year. The ace and the setter really just pulled off a quick attack but reversed mid air!

The other players all from different teams who watched your team played stood shocked seeing you and Mari pull something so difficult off. Many of them widened eyes and puzzled on how such a thing was to be pulled off by the ace and setter reversed.

It definitely was going to be talked about a lot more for the past few days.

"She improved a lot." She told her teammate that stood on her right.

"She did." Her teammate agreed as they watched you and your team celebrate taking back the second set after losing the first.

"It makes me wonder, if she really will become the number one ace some day." Hearing those words her teammate glanced at the ace.

"She's currently one of the top five aces. What do you think?" She questioned eyeing her.

The ace only chuckled, "I think, I miss her. Being in the training camp with her was fun sure, but playing against her in a real match, that's what I miss."

Her teammate sighed, she knew her ace could sometimes be really competitive. Sometimes to the point where she lost control of her own thoughts and power during games.

Although the ace never showed it, to her it was portrayed as a weakness. She was a true prodigy.

"Alright Hasumi."

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