13. Pushing

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You were over at the twin's house on the first day of spring break. Waiting by their front door for them to hurry up and get ready for practice together.

"Tsumu! Samu! What's taking so long?" You shouted from the living room.

"Omi-kun is being difficult!" Atsumu shouted back from his bedroom.

Shaking your head to yourself you sat down on the couch going through your phone. Having to wait five minutes for them until they finally decided to show themselves.

Stumbling down the stairs Atsumu threw himself on the couch besides you, Osamu walking normally down the stairs.

"Are you finally ready?" You asked him.

"Yep." He responded looking up at the stairs.

Eyeing him curiously you asked. "Then where's Sakusa-san?"

"He's coming, he's just a little shy." He told you still staring at the staircase. "Get down here already Omi-kun! Don't keep us waiting!"

You heard a groan from the top of the stair case before hearing footsteps indicating someone was coming down.

Before your eyes stood Sakusa with a muscle shirt on that exposed his sides and his arm muscles perfectly.

"Why is he wearing that?" You asked confused knowing he would never wear such a thing on his own.

"He complained about it being too hot in our schools gym whenever he came to practice with us so I told him to wear that." He explained causing an 'o' like shape to appear on your lips.

Looking at Sakusa he was very well built, something you never really noticed until now. "You look good Sakusa-san." You told him.

His eyes widened at your words before looking away to the side embarrassed, a pink tint appearing. "Let's just go already."


Panting and sweaty, you breathed heavily after jumping up for a block to Sakusa's spike with Osamu which only went straight past the two of you.

"Dang it." You whispered to yourself seeing the ball fall onto the floor.

You were really tired, playing with boys was harder then girls because they obviously had a big advantage in height.

The net was also higher then it normally would be for you which caused you to have to jump higher at times which only tired you out more.

"Do you need a breather Y/N?" Osamu asked you seeing you were having difficulty.

You shook your head rejecting his offer. "Never."

Sakusa noticed this, he saw how you pushed yourself harder then usual. Maybe it was because of your loss to Hasumi at Nationals or because you genuinely wanted to be able to keep up with the guys.

Whatever it was, Sakusa was impressed. He's played against his school's girl volleyball team before, which always ended with his team winning against them.

Of course they were a well built team though. Guided by Hasumi they got closer to closer to winning against his team every time.

"I need a breather." Sakusa said stepping off the court to grab his water bottle.

It surprised Osamu and Atsumu including you. The whole time he was perfectly fine and looked like he still had a lot more energy left in him. But still you went along with it and so did the twins and took a break.

You noticed what Sakusa was doing. Why he did what he just did.

So walking up to Sakusa you strictly told him. "Don't do that again. Push me."

Sakusa eyed you curiously, testing your words. Only for him to then sense your powerful aura once again. The same aura you had when you had just gotten off the court from the match with Hasumi.

It was slightly attractive to him.

He nodded his head. "Then keep up."

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now