9. Sudden

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"Atsumu, Osamu. Where were you two?" A voice boomed appearing out of no where.

You saw Atsumu and Osamu freeze in their tracks, sweat appearing on their forehead all of a sudden. "Whatever you do, don't. Move." Atsumu said fear evident in his voice.

Turning around to see who's voice it could belong to, you saw no other then Inarizaki High's volleyball team, their team.

And the voice belonged to no other then Kita Shinsuke. "It's just Kita-san." You said confused by their reactions.

"I know it's Mister No Gaps Kita Shinsuke idiot!" Atsumu whisper shouted at you. "Just keep walking slowly, don't make eye contact."

"Take one more step and you'll be running a hundred laps when we go back." He told them strictly causing the Miyas to completely stop walking.

Slowly Atsumu turned around first with an awkward smile placed on his lips, "Ah- Captain~" He called out to him as they walked closer to you.

"Care to explain why the two of you have been disappearing constantly?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the twins. "And no is not an option."

Seeing how Osamu and Atsumu was just standing there lost for words you stepped in between them revealing yourself.

Their eyes widened seeing you come out of no where from behind them. "Oh Y/N-chan, I didn't see you there." Kita told you smiling sweetly.

"It's been a long time Kita-san." Pulling him into a hug he sighed in your embrace.

"What did I tell you about calling me Kita-san Y/N-chan?" He asked eyeing you.

You let out a breathy chuckle, "Sorry, Shinsuke-kun."

He smiled in response before letting go of you. "How have you been? I was worried about you when you never returned any of my calls."

"Well, the struggles have passed now. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping in contact."

He frowned, "Struggles? You have to tell me after all this is over. No excuses." He told you strictly.

Nodding your head confirming his request he continued. "Have you been with them the whole time?" He then asked eyeing the two boys suspiciously.

"Yes they have. I apologize if I took them for too long." You apologized.

Kita shook his head in denial. "If they were with you then that's fine. But they can't constantly keep disappearing without letting me know."

Knowing Kita had a soft spot for you, you nodded understandingly. "I'll make sure they get that through their thick heads." You said earning scowls from the twins but laughter from their team.

"That's my girl."

Your face flustering slightly hearing those words.

"We'll be going now then Y/N-chan, I hope to see you later." He told you lastly walking away but not before he glared at the twins.

"See you later Y/N." Suna tiredly waved at you from the back of the group before turning back around to walk with his team.

You laughed at his sleepy figure walking away slumped and tired. Which also gave you a reminder to meet up with him later.

"That was a quick save." Atsumu spoke.

Slapping his arm he flinched jerking back at the sudden violence. "What was that for?" He whined out rubbing his arm.

You raised an eyebrow, "You both are such children." You said looking between the two boys.

He gave you one of his lazy smiles, "Oh well, let's go find Omi-kun now." He shrugged walking off.

Osamu and you stood there watching him walk away by himself care freely.

"Why are you standing here? I'm mad at you too!" You exclaimed kicking Osamu's butt causing him to jerk up and run off with Atsumu.


[Extended Ending]

"Y/N." The boy called out to you from behind as you filled your water bottle.

Turning around you saw him standing behind you with his usual lazy tired eyes.

"Suna, aren't you suppose to be with your team?" You asked him putting your water bottle away.

"I wanted to see you first." He told you bored.

Your heart softened. "Were you here in Nationals last year? I don't remember seeing you." He asked you.

"I was, uh, I guess I was just always on the other side." You excused yourself.

He stared at you for a second before nodding his head. "Kita wants you to know that if you ignore him again he'll punish you."

You froze.

"Ah- well tell Kita I'll make sure I'll never ignore him again!"

𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 ♾ k. sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now